What notes are in the 12-bar blues?

What notes are in the 12-bar blues?

Basic 12 Bar Blues Form The C major scale consists of the following notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B. So in the key of C: I7 = C7, IV7 = F7, V7 = G7. The basic 12 bar blues consists of the following: 4 measures of the I chord.

What are the chords of the 12-bar blues piano?

In the basic F Blues, the 12 bars are only made up of 3 different chords: F7, Bb7 and C7. Also notice that all of these chords are dominant chords. If we analyse the chords numerically, this is what we get: The I chord is F, the IV chord is Bb and the V chord is C.

What makes the 12-bar blues unique?

The twelve-bar blues (or blues changes) is one of the most prominent chord progressions in popular music. The blues progression has a distinctive form in lyrics, phrase, chord structure, and duration. In its basic form, it is predominantly based on the I, IV, and V chords of a key.

How do you write A 12-bar blues song?

The lyrics of a 12-bar blues song often follow what’s known as an AAB pattern. “A” refers to the first and second four-bar verse, and “B” is the third four-bar verse. In a 12-bar blues, the first and second lines are repeated, and the third line is a response to them—often with a twist.

What is the correct chord progression for the 12-bar blues?

The standard 12-bar blues progression has three chords in it – the 1 chord, the 4 chord, and then the 5 chord. In the key of E blues, the 1 chord is an E, the 4 chord is an A, and the 5 chord is a B.

What are the notes for 12 bar blues?

The 12 bar blues form consists of 12 bars or measures. It uses the I7, IV7, and V7 chords. Since these are all dominant chords they have some dissonant notes that are not in the key. For those who don’t know, the roman numerals represent the degree of the major scale.

What is example of 12 bar blues?

Early blues, especially Mississippi and Delta blues, serve as examples of 12-bar blues. Muddy Waters in particular is a great example of someone who used 12-bar blues and helped the genre transition from the Deep South to the urban North.

What is 12 bar blues progression?

The 12 bar blues is the most basic blues chord progression. As it’s name would suggest, it is made up of 12 bars (or measures), which are laid out in a very specific order: The progression uses the I, IV and V chords of the major scale. This means that if you know the root note or chord,…

What is 12 bar blues chord?

The 12 bar blues chord progression is used by blues musicians to play the blues. The 12 bar blues chord progression is the basis for many pop and rock songs.

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