Can employers recoup training costs?

Can employers recoup training costs?

When the employee quit (and ultimately joined a competitor brokerage), the employer demanded repayment of the training costs. There are also limits on the types of training costs that can be recouped and the types of employees from whom they can be recouped. For example, in 889946 Alberta Ltd.

Do I have to pay back my training costs?

Employers can only deduct money for training courses if it was agreed in the contract or in writing beforehand. For example, an employer could ask someone to agree in writing before a training course to pay back costs if they leave within 6 months.

How would you recoup training costs from an employee who leaves?


  1. To ensure a legal right to recover training fees from an employee, make certain that there is an express written agreement between the parties.
  2. Be aware that this agreement could form part of the employee’s contract of employment, but will more commonly be contained in a separate training fees agreement.

Can an employer recover training costs from an apprentice?

However, it is important to note that employers are not entitled to reclaim any Apprenticeship Costs from the apprentice themselves, even if they leave the programme early. Any agreement with the apprentice that they will repay Apprenticeship Costs is unlawful and cannot be relied on.

Can companies make you pay for training if you leave?

Agreements to repay your employer for training costs are valid and enforceable. That means that if there is a contract to repay your employer any training costs they paid for you in the event you quit, then if you do quit, you must repay them.

Do I have to pay back training costs UK?

A typical clause in relation to the recovery of training fees may include provisions that 100% of the training costs shall be repaid if an employee leaves within 12 months of completing the training course, reducing to 50% recovery if an employee leaves between 12 – 18 months of completing the course and 25% if the …

Do employers have to pay for mandatory training UK?

If you earn the National Minimum Wage or close to it then your employer should pay you for time spent on mandatory training. This is because the pay received compared to the hours worked in the pay reference period might bring you below the National Minimum Wage.

Can you recover training costs from an apprentice?

Unfortunately, there can be no recovery of the Levy from the apprentice. Apprentices cannot be asked to contribute towards the levy, even if they leave the training early or their employment ends.

Do you have to pay for training an employee?

If an employee has to do training as part of their job, they have to be paid the right pay for those hours worked. Employees also have to be paid the right pay for time spent in team meetings or opening and closing the business, if their employer requires them to be there.

Do employers have to pay for training UK?

Can an employer charge you for quitting?

The short answer is no, you cannot be charged a contractual penalty for leaving if you are truly an employee. Suing you to get that penalty would be foolish.

Is it illegal to not pay for training?

Not paying your new hires during their training is nearly always illegal. Employees must be paid for all time they spent working, which generally includes training time.

Can You recoup training costs from your employees?

We all understand that training and developing employees is a necessary costs of running a business. The cost depends on the size of the business, number of employees, as well as the training requirements of your industry. This article discusses whether you can recoup training costs from your employees, and if so, what is the recommended approach.

How can I reclaim training costs from a former employee?

If you are trying to reclaim training costs from a former employee, or you would like assistance in drafting a repayment clause, you can contact our Employment team on 023 8071 7717 or email [email protected] for further advice.

How much does it cost to train an employee?

A 2016 Training Benchmarking Study found that for large companies (10,000+ employees), annual training budgets are about $13 million. Mid-sized employers (1,000+) budget about $3 million and small companies spend about $290,000. And that doesn’t factor in the hidden costs of training: time taken away from job duties, equipment and more.

Do you have to reimburse an employee for training?

Voluntary. First, training for which you’re seeking reimbursement may need to be voluntary. When employees are required to take the training as a condition of employment, the courts have largely held costs are not reimbursable.

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