How do you get hired at USPS?

How do you get hired at USPS?

How do i apply for a job at the post office?

  1. #1 – Visit the USPS Website to set up an account.
  2. #2 – Begin to research available postal job openings.
  3. #3 – Complete the online job application.
  4. #4 – Successfully pass the examination.
  5. #5 – After the exam, you may be called to participate in a pre-employment interview.

Can you work at USPS with no experience?

No you need to be at least 18 years old to be hired by the USPS. You don’t need experience, most new hires have no experience whatsoever.

How long does it take to get hired at USPS 2020?

From applying to orientation it was about 5 weeks. About 3 weeks for the background check and fingerprinting to clear. If you know your past is good and you’ve done everything correctly, just try and trust in the process.

Does USPS pay for training?

All employees are eligible for compensation for any training time which occurs during their established hours of service on a scheduled workday.

What is pre hire list for USPS?

The US Postal Service’s Pre Hire list means you’re still early in the job process. The USPS Pre Hire List is an early stage in the Postal Service’s complex hiring process – and is a sign that you’re in the running for the position you applied for.

How far back does USPS check driving record?

The applicant or potential driving employee with more than one violation in the past 12 months, three or more violations in the past 3 years, or five or more violations in the past 5 years for all other traffic offenses, excluding parking violations, is disqualified.

What does it mean when your on the hiring list for USPS?

The better your score on the postal exam, the better chance for an interview and to be hired. Hiring list is the list of applicants for any given position that ranks the applicants in order from their test and any additional points including veterans preference.

How long does it take to become full time at USPS?

6 answers. 3 months to a year. You have to work for one year after that you can be considered for a full time position but that doesn’t mean there will be one available. It depends on if people are retiring or get fired and also if there are others in the office who have seniority that are not yet full time.

Does USPS pay mileage?

A. Yes, you are entitled to mileage whenever you use your personally owned vehicle for the business purposes of USPS {assuming no government vehicle is available for you to use}. If no Postal Service or GSA vehicle is available, you can be reimbursed for all mileage incurred for official business.

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