What is wireless application protocol in mobile computing?

What is wireless application protocol in mobile computing?

Wireless application protocol (WAP) is an application environment and set of communication protocols for wireless devices designed to enable manufacturer-, vendor-, and technology-independent access to the Internet and advanced telephony services.

What is the main purpose of WAP?

Wireless application protocol (WAP) is a communications protocol that is used for wireless data access through most mobile wireless networks. WAP enhances wireless specification interoperability and facilitates instant connectivity between interactive wireless devices (such as mobile phones) and the Internet.

How does Wireless Application Protocol work?

Wireless Application Protocol

  • You turn on the device and open the minibrowser.
  • The device sends out a radio signal, searching for service.
  • A connection is made with your service provider.
  • You select a Web site that you wish to view.
  • A request is sent to a gateway server using WAP.

What is the purpose of WAP and applications of WAP?

Applications of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) WAP facilitates you to access the Internet from your mobile devices. You can play games on mobile devices over wireless devices. It facilitates you to access E-mails over the mobile Internet.

How Wireless Application Protocol is used in developing mobile application?

WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol. It is a protocol designed for micro-browsers and it enables the access of internet in the mobile devices. It uses the mark-up language WML (Wireless Markup Language and not HTML), WML is defined as XML 1.0 application.

What is a wireless protocol?

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a technical standard for accessing information over a mobile wireless network. A WAP browser is a web browser for mobile devices such as mobile phones that use the protocol.

Which security is used in WAP?

WAP uses WTLS, a wireless vari- ant of the SSL/TLS protocol, to secure the communication between the mobile phone and other parts of the WAP architecture.

How WAP is used in developing mobile application?

The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is being used to develop enhanced forms of existing applications and new versions of today’s applications. The WAP will allow customers to easily reply to incoming information on the phone by allowing new menus to access mobile services.

Which of the following protocols is useful in wireless applications?

How Wireless Application Protocol WAP is used in developing mobile applications?

WAP Model: The user opens the mini-browser in a mobile device. He selects a website that he wants to view. The mobile device sends the URL encoded request via network to a WAP gateway using WAP protocol. The WAP gateway translates this WAP request into a conventional HTTP URL request and sends it over the internet.

What is the role of WDP in mobile networks?

Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) defines the movement of information from receiver to the sender and resembles the User Datagram Protocol in the Internet protocol suite. As a general transport service, WDP offers to the upper layers an invisible interface independent of the underlying network technology used.

What are the applications of wireless communication?

Applications of wireless communication involve security systems, television remote control, Wi-Fi, Cell phones, wireless power transfer, computer interface devices, and various wireless communication-based projects.

What does Wireless Application Protocol mean?

Wireless application protocol (WAP) is a communications protocol that is used for wireless data access through most mobile wireless networks. WAP enhances wireless specification interoperability and facilitates instant connectivity between interactive wireless devices…

What is the abbreviation for Wireless Application Protocol?

Wireless Application Protocols is abbreviated as WAP. (also WAPs) IP Internet Protocol. CPU Central Processing Unit. API Application Programming Interface. NCP NetWare Core Protocol. SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol. BER Bit Error Rate. HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol.

What are wireless communication protocols?

Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP) is the method used to send messages to wireless devices such as pagers on NPCS (Narrowband PCS) networks. It uses HTTP as a transport layer over the World Wide Web.

What is wireless access protocol?

Search Wireless Dictionary. Wireless access protocol (WAP) is an industry specification that allows advanced messaging and information services to be delivered to wireless devices independent of which wireless technology they use.

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