What do you dislike about learning English?

What do you dislike about learning English?

What are the disadvantages of English? The main disadvantage of studying English is the difficulty often associated with learning it. Spelling in English is a matter of memorization because various words that sound one way are spelled differently.

How do you teach likes and dislikes in English?

New Learning and Practice:

  1. First, draw a food or drink in the ‘like’ column (such as a banana).
  2. Next, draw something in the ‘dislike’ column (such as a tomato).
  3. To make sure everyone understands, draw another food/drink item in the ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ columns, using the same structures and gestures as before.

How do you introduce likes and dislikes?

To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions….Expressing dislikes:

  1. I don’t like…
  2. I dislike…
  3. I hate…
  4. I abhor…
  5. I can’t bear…
  6. I can’t stand…
  7. I detest…
  8. I loathe…

Why do students hate English?

Students Hate Speaking English Out Loud It all comes down to fear and lack of confidence. The fear of using the wrong word, getting the grammar wrong or mispronunciation. Or just have no confidence in their ability to speak English.

Why is English the worst subject?

English is possibly the worst subject that school offers: it is easily misunderstood and often poorly taught. No one is sure how to get better at it, or how to study for it. Students don’t know why it is important, or how it will help their futures. Yet, English is the only mandatory HSC subject.

Can I borrow a pencil TEFL?

If you are the student facing away from the [door,] tell your neighbor, “Yes, I will lend you a pen/pencil.” Hold the pen out to your neighbor as you say the word ‘lend.

How can I express like in English?

Expressing likes:

  1. I like…
  2. I love…
  3. I adore…
  4. I ‘m crazy about…
  5. I’m mad about…
  6. I enjoy…
  7. I’m keen on…

What is the most boring language?

the most boring language: Spanish | Antimoon Forum.

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