What are the types of trade union in Nigeria?

What are the types of trade union in Nigeria?

Here are 10 of such influential unions.

  • NLC: Nigeria Labour Congress.
  • NUPENG: National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers.
  • PENGASSAN – Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria.
  • NMA: Nigeria Medical Association.
  • ASUU: Academic Staff Union of Universities.
  • NUT: Nigeria Union of Teachers.

What are the types of trade union?

Types of Trade Unions – 4 Main Types: Craft Union, Industrial Union, General Union and Federations

  • Trade unions fight for workers’ rights.
  • Apart from wages and terms of employment, modern unions also take up issues concerning production norms, introduction of new products, technological changes and the like.

How many unions are in Nigeria?

He accepted the establishment of a new Nigeria Labour Congress, on the condition that the approximately 1,500 affiliated unions were restructured into 42 industrial unions, plus 19 unions representing senior staff.

What are the three types of trade unions?

There are different types of trade unions in South Africa: Craft, Industrial, General and Federation. They operate in three levels which are local, national and federation. South Africa is member of International Labour Organisation (ILO).

What are the types of trade?

Trade can be divided into following two types, viz.,

  • Internal or Home or Domestic trade.
  • External or Foreign or International trade.

What are the roles of trade union in Nigeria?

Trade unions in Nigeria, no doubt, play essential roles in promoting industrial peace and harmony. They act as buffers in maintaining equilibrium in the bargaining powers between employers and workers.

What are the two types of trade union?

There are two principal types of trade unions: craft unions and industrial unions.

Who is the founder of trade union?

Several incidents of strikes and protests by workers have been recorded during this time. The credit for the first association of Indian workers is generally given to the Bombay Mill-Hands Association founded by N.M. Lokhande in 1890.

What are the two types of trade unions?

There are two principal types of trade unions: craft unions and industrial unions. Craft unions are composed of workers performing a specific trade, such as electricians, carpenters, plumbers, or printers.

What were the two types of unions?

There are two types of unions: the horizontal union, in which all members share a common skill, and the vertical union, composed of workers from across the same industry. The National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labor union in the United States, with nearly three million members.

What is the name of the trade union in Nigeria?

The Nigeria Labour Congress is the association representing all categories of workers in Nigeria. It is the union that serves as the umbrella association for trade unions in Nigeria. It was established in 1978. It began after four different organizations were merged together.

Why do we need trade unions in Africa?

Trade unions should thus stimulate and rekindle that spirit of union organization so as to bring workers together, modernise and provide services and benefits that reflect changing needs and times. We therefore require a labour movement in Africa

Who is the current president of the Nigeria Union of teachers?

The current National President of the Nigeria Union of Teachers is Mr. Michael Alogba Olukoya. The National Union of Road Transport Workers is the union which serves as an umbrella for road transport workers, public transport companies, and street gangs (popularly known as agberos) in Nigeria.

How are trade unions helping workers in SADC?

Trade unions should reconnect and redefine the workers‘ fight and their songs of despair and instil a sense of hope, dignity, self- pride and liberation among the workers. SATUCC welcomes this book and therefore hopes that it will assist trade unions in the SADC and the whole of Africa to go soul searching for the real and true workers‘ victory.

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