What is the Leviathan theory?

What is the Leviathan theory? The work concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory. Written during the English Civil War (1642, it argues for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign. What is the social contract […]

What is symbolism in an essay?

What is symbolism in an essay? Symbolism is a literary device that uses symbols, be they words, people, marks, locations, or abstract ideas to represent something beyond the literal meaning. The concept of symbolism is not confined to works of literature: symbols inhabit every corner of our daily life. How do you talk about symbolism? […]

What is the connection between law and morality?

What is the connection between law and morality? Law is essentially a set of rules and principles created and enforced by the state whereas morals are a set of beliefs, values and principles and behaviour standards which are enforced and created by society. Does moral disagreement occur? Moral disagreements will always exist but may not […]

Which fertilizer is better organic or chemical?

Which fertilizer is better organic or chemical? Organic fertilizers are generally much more expensive than chemical fertilizers, mostly because chemical fertilizers have more concentrated levels of nutrients per weight of product than organic fertilizers do. Why should we use organic manure instead of chemical fertilizers? Manures increase soil fertility (giving humus to the soil), water […]

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