How do you write or properly?

How do you write or properly? You’d be hard pressed to find a style guide that doesn’t admonish you to drop “and/or” and choose either “and” or “or.” In writing either and or or is usually adequate. If a greater distinction is needed, another phrasing is available : X or Y, or both. It is […]

What is one thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint?

What is one thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint? Walk, take public transportation, carpool, rideshare or bike to your destination when possible. This not only reduces CO2 emissions, it also lessens traffic congestion and the idling of engines that accompanies it. 23. If you must drive, avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration. What […]

What can be a strength of a student?

What can be a strength of a student? Strengths can involve skills, qualities and personal characteristics:Creativity.Enthusiasm.Honesty.Humor.Kindness.Leadership.Listening.Math. What can be your personal strengths? Some examples of strengths you might mention include:Enthusiasm.Trustworthiness.Creativity.Discipline.Patience.Respectfulness.Determination.Dedication. What are my strengths in English? My strengths I’m very good at English grammar. I can understand a lot of vocabulary. I often read in […]

How can we reduce stress sources?

How can we reduce stress sources? Stress management strategy #6: Adopt a healthy lifestyleExercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Eat a healthy diet. Reduce caffeine and sugar. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Get enough sleep. Which stress is most difficult to control? 04/5​Emotional stress Stress […]

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