What happens when Aeneas arrives in Carthage?

What happens when Aeneas arrives in Carthage? They sail for Italy, where Aeneas is destined to found Rome. As they near their destination, a fierce storm throws them off course and lands them in Carthage. Aeneas tells of the sack of Troy that ended the Trojan War after ten years of Greek siege. How is […]

Why do we use complex sentences?

Why do we use complex sentences? Complex sentences help you combine ideas in an interesting way. When you use them with other sentence types in your writing, the variety helps you avoid choppiness and dull repetition. Each sentence type has a set number of clauses: Simple sentences have one independent clause. How do we use […]

What does please print mean on a form?

What does please print mean on a form? It means to write it in standard letters (where the letters are not connected), not cursive. You can choose either all capital letters or not. They just want to make sure it’s legible. Is it faster to write or type? Typing speed was over five words per […]

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