How do I get rid of Varroa destructor?

How do I get rid of Varroa destructor?

Chemical control of varroa mites can be achieved through the use of various acaricides/miticides. Synthetic miticides are generally effective, killing up to 95% of the mite population.

Does formic acid affect honey?

Does Formic Acid Kill Honey Bees? Formic acid can only kill bees if it reaches high concentrations in the beehive. The concentration of formic acid that is lethal to mites is low. As such, bees are not affected by properly applied formic acid to control Varroa and tracheal mites.

How do you get rid of varroa mites naturally?

The most common, natural approach to treating bees with varroa mites is to dust them with powdered sugar. After the sugar is applied, the bees will immediately start grooming themselves and each other in an effort to remove the sugar from their bodies. In doing this, they knock off the mites.

Is Formic Pro safe for bees?

The use of Formic Pro or any mite treatment can result in the loss of some bees and/or brood. The truth is that colonies infested with mites are unhealthy compared to those without mite infestations. Treating a colony for mites causes stress on the bees.

How often can you treat bees with formic acid?

Use FORMIC PRO™ as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program. There are two treatment options when local thresholds are met: Option One: 2 strips for 14 days. Option Two: 1st strip for 10 days remove and replace with 2nd strip for an additional 10 days.

When can I remove FORMIC PRO?

Wait 24 hours after working your bees (or removing supers!) to treat with FORMIC PRO. After strip application, DO NOT DISTURB the colony for 7 days: do not remove tray from screened bottom board, do not inspect, do not feed, (stay away!)

Can I feed my bees while treating with Formic Pro?

Can I feed during treatment? No, feeding of any type that comes in contact with the hive (frame, hive-top feeder) is NOT recommended during treatment. Barrel feeding is acceptable. For optimal success with Formic Pro, ensure your bees are well nourished before treatment.

Is Formic Pro safe?

Formic Pro™ the next generation in formic acid treatments and is used to treat hives with varroosis, caused by varroa destructor in honey bees. Safe to use during the honey flow! …

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