What is Jug Handle view?

What is Jug Handle view?

A modified basal view of the skull used to visualise the zygomatic arches, of interest in evaluating mid-facial fractures.

What is Reverse Towne projection?

REVERSE-TOWNE PROJECTION. (OPEN-MOUTH) Image Receptor and Patient Placement The image receptor is placed in front of the patient, perpendicular to the midsagittal and parallel to the coronal plane. The patient’s head is tilted downward so that the canthomeatalline forms a 25- to 30-degree angle with the image receptor.

Which sinus is not seen in waters view?

Therefore, a single waters view is an acceptable strategy for diagnosing sinusitis for the maxillary and/or frontal sinuses but not for the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses.

What is a Townes view?

The Towne view is an angled anteroposterior radiograph of the skull and visualizes the petrous part of the pyramids, the dorsum sellae and the posterior clinoid processes, which are visible in the shadow of the foramen magnum.

Why we do Townes view?

The Towne view allows better frontal evaluation of the posterior fossa region than a standard nonangled frontal skull view. The addition of a Towne view to skull AP and lateral views has been thought to result in better sensitivity for detecting skull fractures than an AP and lateral view alone.

How is jug handle radiography used in cervical injury?

It is accomplished by jug handle radiography (a variation of the submentovertex view) and sometimes with modifications like the tangential or tea cup projection. For these techniques, the patient has to be positioned in a way which makes it non-applicable in cases having cervical injuries or suspected cervical injuries.

What can you see with a radiograph in oral surgery?

With this radiograph you can view both the mandibular and maxillary arches which will be shown in buccal view and the following structures can be viewed with this radiograph: Water’s view or Occipitomental View structures seen and its uses in Oral Surgery:

Where is the central ray located in PA skull projection?

14. PA skull projectionPA skull projection• The image receptor isplaced in front of thepatient, perpendicular tothe mid sagittal plane andparallel to coronal plane,so that the canthomeatalline is perpendicular tothe image receptor.• Central Ray is directed atright angles to the filmthrough the midsagittalplane through theocciput.

How is a wedge filter used in extraoral radiography?

Extraoral radiography. In cephalometric radiography,a wedge filter at the tube headis positioned over the anterioraspect of the beam to absorbsome of the radiation and toallow visualization of softtissues of the face.• The central ray is directedperpendicular to the cassettethrough the external auditorymeatus.

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