How to post on Slashdot?

How to post on Slashdot?

Submitting the review

  1. Open your browser at the Slashdot submissions page.
  2. Before adding any information, enter bookreview as the tag followed by a comma or press the preview button to update the submissions form.
  3. Fill in the book review form fields.
  4. Dont save yet.

Does Slashdot still exist?

(i.e., Dice Holdings International, which created the website for tech job seekers). In January 2016, BIZX acquired both and SourceForge….Slashdot.

Type of site Online newspaper Social news
Registration Optional
Launched October 5, 1997
Current status Online

Is Slashdot dead?

For all practical purposes, Slashdot is dead.

What is the meaning of Slashdot?

The Slashdot effect, also known as slashdotting, occurs when a popular website links to a smaller website, causing a massive increase in traffic. This overloads the smaller site, causing it to slow down or even temporarily become unavailable. This has the same effect as a denial-of-service attack, albeit accidentally.

What is Slashdotmedia?

Slashdot Media is the global leader in professional technology communities. Its properties – and – provide tools, software and forums where IT professionals create, collaborate, & distribute software, and discuss technology news and products with their peers.

Is Wikipedia an online encyclopedia?

Wikipedia, free Internet-based encyclopaedia, started in 2001, that operates under an open-source management style. It is overseen by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation.

How can I make Wikipedia easier?

To visit the simple Wikipedia website, all you need to do is add ‘simple’ to the beginning of your Wikipedia url, like so: Add ‘simple’ to the front of any Wikipedia article URL and you’ll be taken to a version of that same article, but in simple Wikipedia format.

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