Which of the following is an example of mutual prodrug?

Which of the following is an example of mutual prodrug?

8. Which of the following is an example of a mutual prodrug? Explanation: Mutual prodrug is pro-drugs comprising of 2 pharmacologically active agents coupled together to form a single product. Thus, benorylate prodrug for NSAIDs and paracetamol is an example of mutual prodrug.

What is an example of a prodrug?

Examples of prodrugs that exist naturally or were produced unintentionally during drug development include aspirin, psilocybin, parathion, irinotecan, codeine, heroin, L-dopa, and various antiviral nucleosides.

Why Is aspirin a prodrug?

Aspirin was originally considered a prodrug to salicylic acid since it was at that time thought to have the same pharmacodynamic effects as salicylic acid and is rapidly transformed to it in vivo. Later aspirin was also found to be effective in its own right.

What is the meaning of Lipinski’s rule of 5?

Lipinski’s rule. Lipinski’s rule of 5. Rule of 5. Rule of five. Lipinski’s rule of five is a rule of thumb that describes the drugability of a determinate molecule. This rule helps to determine if a biologically active chemical is likely to have the chemical and physical properties to be orally bioavailable.

What is the Lipinski rule of pharmacokinetic drugs?

The Lipinski rule bases pharmacokinetic drug properties such as absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion on specific molecular properties such as: The violation of 2 or more of these conditions predicts a molecule as a non-orally available drug.

What is the literature on the rule of 5?

Aciclovir would pass the Rule of 5. Literature: Lipinski, C. A., Lombardo, F., Dominy, B. W., Feeney, P. J. Experimental and computational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability in drug discovery and development settings. Adv. Drug Delivery Rev.23, 1997, 3-25.

What is the rule of 5 in cheminformatic Society?

In 1997 Christopher Lipinski from Pfizer found a simple mnemonic which he called the “Rule of 5” because the parameter cut-off values all contained 5’s. Numerically there actually are only four rules. This was a major breakthrough for the chemInformatic society. The Rule of 5 stated: Poor absorption or permeation are more likely when there are:

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