Why is Starkiller in a suit?

Why is Starkiller in a suit?

Armor. The Sith Stalker Armor, worn by the Sith Warrior during Starkiller’s vision inside the Jedi Temple The Sith Warrior’s body was encased within a suit of armor, painfully grafted to his flesh and bone, that was designed to inspire fear in both Jedi and Sith alike.

What happened to the Dark Apprentice?

In the end, the Dark Apprentice kills her. Aboard the Death Star, the Emperor revels in the Imperial victory before revealing to Vader that he knew of the Dark Apprentice’s existence. Vader attempts to turn on his master, but Palpatine forces him to his knees with a barrage of Force lightning.

Why is Anakin in a suit?

Darth Vader’s armor, serial number: E-3778Q-1, was designed to maintain and protect the young Sith apprentice’s charred body while exuding an air of intimidation and control. His suit followed an ancient Sith tradition, in which the warriors of the dark side of the Force would adorn themselves in heavy armor.

Is the real Starkiller dead?

On Kamino, Starkiller never questioned his origin as a clone. He fully accepted the explanation for his existence: the original Starkiller died and he had been created to take the apprentice’s place. Nevertheless, he remained conflicted by feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty regarding his purpose in life.

Is Starkiller in a movie?

Galen Marek (codenamed Starkiller), Darth Vader’s secret apprentice was trained in the Dark Side to hunt down the surviving Jedi.

Who is the Dark Apprentice in Star Wars?

You have inherited his skills, but also his weaknesses.” The Dark Apprentice, also known as ” Starkiller ,” was a clone of Galen Marek, a Force-sensitive Human male taken on by the Sith Lord Darth Vader as his secret apprentice.

Can you get dark artist armor with apprentice armor?

The Dark Artist armor can be considered a direct upgrade of the Apprentice armor. A full set of Apprentice armor will provide the following benefits: -10% Mana usage. The set bonus of the Apprentice armor gives a 40% increase to Flameburst projectile velocity, a 50% increase to target range, and a 90% increase to field of view.

Who are the secret apprentices of Darth Vader?

In the year 2 BBY, Darth Vader’s secret apprentice, codenamed Starkiller embarked on a personal journey to rediscover his origins. The years of training under the relentless tutelage of the Dark Lord of the Sith effectively suppressed the memories of his past and the death of his Jedi father.

How did the apprentice become the Sith Warrior?

Through the Dark Lord, the apprentice saw the defeat of the Wookiees, the murder of his father and his own abduction by Vader. The vision suddenly changed and Starkiller, much to his horror, found his appearance altered into the armored form of the Sith Warrior.

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