How long does it take to recover from a lacerated quadricep muscle?

How long does it take to recover from a lacerated quadricep muscle?

Complete recovery takes at least 4 months, but most repairs are almost completely healed within 6 months. It may take even longer to completely achieve strength training and range of motion goals.

What is the most common injury to the quadriceps?

Several types of quadriceps injuries can occur, the most common being the quadriceps contusion, which is painful and disabling. The usual cause of the quadriceps contusion is a direct blow to the anterior thigh from an object or another person (eg, helmet, knee).

How do you diagnose a torn quadricep?

When a quadriceps tendon tears, there is often a tearing or popping sensation. Pain and swelling typically follow, and you may not be able to straighten your knee. Additional symptoms include: An indentation at the top of your kneecap where the tendon tore.

What are the signs & symptoms of a Grade III quadriceps contusion?


  • First Degree: minimal pain, no severe swelling; mild tenderness of muscle.
  • Second Degree: moderate pain and swelling; the knee becomes more difficult to flex.
  • Third Degree: Severe pain and tenderness; the knee becomes almost impossible to flex without severe pain.

Can you walk with a torn quadricep?

Although quadriceps tears or strains are not common, this injury can make it difficult to walk or participate in day-to-day activities.

How do you treat a quad tear?

Most quadricep injuries resolve on their own with rest, ice, and physical therapy exercises. Severe quadricep tears may require surgery. Call your doctor if your pain and swelling worsens over time or is so severe that you are unable to walk.

Can you walk with a quad contusion?

This level of contusion will be mildly painful and only slightly tender to the touch. There may be small amounts of bruising and swelling. You should be able to walk normally and bend your knee more than 90 degrees.

Can you walk with a torn quad?

What kind of muscle tear is a quadriceps contusion?

An intramuscular contusion, which is when a muscle tears within the sheath (lining) that surrounds it. An intermuscular contusion, which happens when the muscle and the sheath surrounding it both tear. Quadriceps contusions are common in sports that involve a lot of direct contact, such as football and hockey.

Can a quadriceps contusion cause compartment syndrome?

Compartment syndrome is another rare but serious complication of quadriceps contusions. In compartment syndrome, bleeding from the damaged muscle can get trapped and build up within the muscle sheath (the layer of tissue that wraps around the muscle).

How long does it take for a quadriceps contusion to heal?

Quadriceps contusions are graded mild, moderate or severe between 12 and 24 hours. A mild contusion has more than 90 degrees of knee flexion; moderate between 45 and 90 degrees of knee flexion and severe less than 45 grades of knee flexion. Ability to stretch the muscle may be reduced slightly.

What happens when you get a blow to the quadriceps?

The usual mechanism of this injury is a direct blow to the quadriceps causing significant muscle damage. Typically, a contusion involves rupture to the muscle fibres at, or directly adjacent to, the area of impact. This usually leads to hematoma formation within the muscle causing pain and loss of motion.

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