How much does a CCR cost?

How much does a CCR cost?

CCR provides various types of data for researchers….Costs for Multi-Year Linkage (i.e., with OSHPD, birth, and death files)

Number of Records Costs
10,000 – 49,999 records $4,500 + 20% ($900) for each 5 years of non-CCR data
50,000 – 99,999 records $6,000 + 20% ($1,200) for each 5 years of non-CCR data

What is a CCR rebreather?

A closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) employs advanced technology to recycle breathing gas in a closed-loop system that makes the underwater experience virtually bubble-free. In short, a rebreather can improve the way divers experience the underwater world in profound ways.

What are the best rebreathers?


MAGALODON CCR Technical 5.0
JJ CCR Technical 5.0

How long can you stay underwater with a rebreather?

2-3 hours
You can usually dive for 2-3 hours with even small cylinders (rebreathers typically have either two 2/3l cylinders or one 3/5l cylinder). Finally, divers are usually adventure and fun seeking individuals and there is nothing more exciting than trying something new.

What are advantages of CCR?

CCR Benefits and Drawbacks

  • Reduced size and weight.
  • Gas efficiency.
  • Savings on helium.
  • Reduced deco.
  • Warm, moist air.
  • Silence.

Who is the creator of the JJ-CCR rebreather?

In these dark, cold, deep and rather harsh environments the divers have chosen to dive using JJ-CCR rebreather for its versatility and reliability. You will find that Jan Petersen creator of the JJ-CCR rebreather appear on some of the photos.

When was the first closed circuit rebreather made?

When AP Diving built the world’s first production closed circuit rebreather in 1997, Diver Magazine called it…. The most significant development in diving since Cousteau invented the aqualung….

How many rebreathers are there for AP Diving?

Around you. AP Inspiration rebreathers are custom built to suit your size, frame and the type of diving you plan to do. Choose from 3 models, 3 chassis sizes, 5 harness sizes, 2 wing sizes, 2 cylinder sizes, 2 scrubber durations and multiple upgrade options from gas connection systems to choice of front or back mounted counterlungs,…

How is a rebreather used in scuba diving?

Not used. Only 1 left! A rebreather is a self-contained breathing device that reuses part of each breath when scuba diving. These devices are able to recycle oxygen left unused each time you exhale while also removing carbon dioxide using a chemical that traps it.

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