How do I activate my EON Gas smart meter?

How do I activate my EON Gas smart meter?

Gas: Press and hold the ‘OK’ button on the meter to activate the screen then press and hold the ‘OK’ button to open the “Prepay Menu”.

Why does my smart meter say waiting for current data?

Your In-Home Display uses a wireless signal to receive energy usage information from your smart meters. If your In-Home Display shows “Waiting for data”, it could be because it’s too far away from your smart meter. Try moving your In-Home Display closer to your electricity smart meter.

Can I install a smart meter myself?

Can I Install a Smart Meter Myself? In short, the answer is no; there is no way to install your own smart meter as a DIY job or a quick fix, as they have to be supplied and installed by your energy supplier.

How do I turn on my gas smart meter?

Whether your in-home display is on or not you MUST turn your gas supply back on via the gas meter keypad. This is because of a safety feature built into the gas meter. To connect the gas meter press button A, the display will show ‘connect’. Press ‘A’ again and then press button ‘B’, your gas should come back on.

Why is my EON smart meter not showing electricity?

From time to time the display unit may temporarily lose its signal. This can be caused by a number of reasons (including being out of range of the transmitter). Please ensure it’s within the range of the electricity meter. If it is then it should reconnect in a matter of seconds.

How do I reconnect my smart meter?

To restore the lost connection to your smart meter, you’ll need to:

  1. Take your In-Home Display to where your electricity meter is located.
  2. Once you’re close to the meter, hold down the “OK button” until the In-Home Display turns off and then on again.
  3. You should then see the message: “your smart meter is now paired”.

How do I get my smart meter to work?

Try moving your In-Home Display closer to your electricity smart meter. Once you’re there, turn it off using the round, flat button at the back. Wait a minute and then press the button again to switch the IHD back on. Sometimes, this gives it the boost it needs to get going again.

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