What does Asagai want to do for his country?

What does Asagai want to do for his country?

Proud of his African heritage, he hopes to return to Nigeria to help bring about positive change and modern advancements. He tries to teach Beneatha about her heritage as well. He stands in obvious contrast to Beneatha’s other suitor, George Murchison, who has succeeded in life by assimilating to the white world.

Which country does Joseph Asagai come from?

In Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raisin in the Sun, the character of Joseph Asagai is from Nigeria, a country in West Africa.

How does Asagai view his role in Africa?

Asagai argues that whether he dies a martyr or lives to be an old man there, his presence in Africa, as a man who can read and write, will help change the country. Asagai’s belief in this idea is so strong, he views his death as a positive event if it happens as a result of his efforts.

What does Asagai say is popular in Beneatha’s country?

Joseph Asagai questions Beneatha as to why she “mutilates” her hair by straightening it. He jokes that “Assimilation is so popular in your country.” To assimilate is to completely adopt the ways of another culture.

How is Asagai an idealist?

How does Asagai define “idealists” and “realists”? Asagai says “idealists” are people who see changes, dream, who will not give up. “Realists” are people who see only a never ending a cycle that they think is the future, but they are being deceived and they accept it.

What is Asagai’s purpose in life?

Asagai’s main function as a character seems to be to inject the play with symbolism. Basically, Asagi is Africa. He represents one extreme of the American debate on assimilation. His presence in the play forces the audience (and Beneatha) to ask what it truly means to be an African American.

What does Asagai call Beneatha?

When Asagai says goodbye, he calls Beneatha by a nickname, “Alaiyo.” He explains that it is a word from his African tribal language, roughly translated to mean “One for Whom Bread—Food—Is Not Enough.” He leaves, having charmed both women. Finally, the check arrives.

Is Asagai an idealist or a dreamer?

Asagai is zealously idealistic about the future of his country and has even expressed his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the independence of his country.

What does Asagai say and do to encourage?

What does Asagai say and do to encourage Beneatha’s search for her identity? Asagai gives her a nickname Alaiyo, which means, “one for which food is not enough.” This name means he understands what is most important for her. (Page 63-65). Soon after Asagai leaves, the mail carrier delivers the insurance check.

What does Asagai accuse Beneatha of being?

Joseph Asagai questions Beneatha as to why she “mutilates” her hair by straightening it. Beneatha is offended by Asagai’s remarks about her hair and about being an assimilationist because she wants to identify as a woman who is knowledgeable about her African ancestry.

What is your impression of Asagai?

What is your impression of Asagai? Very intelligent, grounded, treats Beneatha very respectfully, and proud of his heritage.

What does Asagai value?

Unlike George, Joseph Asagai values traditional African culture and intellectually stimulates Beneatha. He encourages Beneatha to get in touch with her African roots and supports her independent personality. Beneatha is attracted to Joseph’s lifestyle and creative nature.

Who is Asagai in A Raisin in the Sun?

A Raisin in the Sun. Asagai. One of Beneatha’s fellow students and one of her suitors, Asagai is from Nigeria, and throughout the play he provides an international perspective.

Why does Asagai want Beneatha to come to Nigeria?

Asagai declares that love should be enough for Beneatha to come to Nigeria with him. In fact, he believes that love is a sufficient reason behind any action she takes. Beneatha, however, doesn’t want to become an “episode” in someone’s drama, and thinks love is not reason enough to make major decisions in one’s life.

What are the main characteristics of Joseph Asagai?

Asagai. His dominant traits are his ability to persuade Beneatha to grow more fond of him, his nationalistic characteristics, and prideful. He is also very romantic as he tries to woo her with gifts from Africa. In Act II, Scene II, Asagai presents gifts to her, such as the records and a traditional African robe.

Why does Asagai believe death is a positive event?

Asagai’s belief in this idea is so strong, he views his death as a positive event if it happens as a result of his efforts. ASAGAI: Nigeria. Home.

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