What Purpura itches?

What Purpura itches?

Itching purpura is a benign disorder characterized by the sudden onset of markedly pruritic, purpuric lesions with a clinical appearance similar to the progressive pigmented purpuric dermatoses. The pruritus is severe and unremitting and may lead to depression and loss of sleep.

Can Purpuric dermatosis be cured?

No medical intervention is of consistent benefit for the treatment of the pigmented purpuric dermatoses. Pruritus may be alleviated by the use of topical corticosteroids and antihistamines. Associated venous stasis should be treated by compression hosiery. Prolonged leg dependency should be avoided.

Is purpura a scaly?

The area is flat, smooth and not scaly. There are no internal symptoms or effects. PPP usually starts in adult life, is more common in men and may occur in children rarely.

Is there a cure for progressive pigmented purpuric dermatosis?

Background and objectives: Progressive pigmented purpuric dermatosis (PPPD, Schamberg disease) is a rare benign, but chronic dermatosis frequently misdiagnosed as vasculitis or bleeding disorder. Although affected patients experience significant impairment in quality of life no effective treatment has been established.

How long does it take to treat PPPD with rutoside?

Patients and methods: A retrospective review was performed on 35 patients with PPPD treated with 2 × 50 mg rutoside and 1,000 mg ascorbic acid daily between 2004 until 2011. The mean treatment duration was 8.2 months.

Which is better for PPPD, rutoside or ascorbic acid?

Participants with shorter disease duration showed better therapeutic success, shorter time to response and lower risk of recurrence. Conclusion: Oral rutoside and ascorbic acid may be an efficient and well tolerated treatment for PPPD. Early treatment is recommended to achieve best clinical outcome.

Which is the best oral treatment for PPPD?

Oral rutoside and ascorbic acid may be an efficient and well tolerated treatment for PPPD. Early treatment is recommended to achieve best clinical outcome. Oral rutoside and ascorbic acid may be an efficient and well tolerated treatment for PPPD.

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