Which Homeopathic medicine is best for menopause?

Which Homeopathic medicine is best for menopause?

Remedy Options

  • Graphites. A woman who is chilly, pale, and sluggish—with trouble concentrating, and a tendency toward weight gain during or after menopause—is likely to respond to this remedy.
  • Lachesis mutus.
  • Sepia.
  • Sulphur.
  • Belladonna.
  • Calcarea carbonica.
  • Glonoinum.
  • Ignatia.

Does homeopathy work for menopause?

Homeopathy has emerged as a popular and leading alternative in the treatment of menopause. It is widely accepted all over the world as a risk-free, effective and non-hormonal treatment for the problems associated with menopause faced by a large number of women.

What is Lachesis homeopathy used for?

SBL Lachesis Dilution 200 CH is a homoeopathic remedy which has various health benefits. Derived from nake poison, it is useful in treating disorders related to skin, menstrual cycle and circulatory system. It helps in treating eye disorders caused due to diphtheria.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for hormonal imbalance?

Six common homeopathic medicines commonly used to treat hormonal imbalances in women are:

  1. Sepia. Sepia is for athletic women with slightly masculine builds.
  2. Ignatia.
  3. Pulsatilla.
  4. Lachesis.
  5. Conium.
  6. Calcarea Carb.

What is Lachesis homeopathy made of?

Lachesis homeopathy medication is derived from the venom of the South American bushmaster snake. Its venom is severely poisonous which has the capability of impairing the red blood cells and hinder blood clotting. The extracted venom which then gets diluted in great amounts of milk sugar or lactose.

Can Homeopathy treat hormonal imbalance?

Homeopathic medicines can be helpful in treating hormonal imbalances in women and improving their symptoms. Since these treatments use natural ingredients they are safe to use and don’t result in any negative side effects. These remedies regulate hormones in the body by treating the root cause of the imbalance.

What is the best medicine for hormonal imbalance?

Treatment options for anyone with hormonal imbalances include:

  • Metformin. A medication for type 2 diabetes, metformin can help manage or lower blood sugar levels.
  • Levothyroxine. Medications containing levothyroxine, such as Synthroid and Levothroid, can help improve symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Are there any herbal remedies for menopause symptoms?

( Panax ginseng or Panax quinquefolius ) Research has shown that ginseng may help with some menopausal symptoms, such as mood symptoms and sleep disturbances, and with one’s overall sense of well-being. However, it has not been found to be helpful for hot flashes.

Are there any homeopathic remedies for hot flushes?

Lachesis – Homeopathic Remedy for Menopause with Hot Flushes. Lachesis is another significant homeopathic medicine for menopause. The most prominent symptom indicating the need for Lachesis is hot flushes and hot perspiration.

Are there any homeopathic remedies for uterine bleeding?

The mood may change suddenly from sadness to happiness and from weeping to laughter. Sighing and brooding are also noted. For profuse uterine bleeding during menopause, homeopathic medicines Sabina and Trillium Pendulum are indicated. These medicines help control profuse bleeding that noted in some women around menopause.

Are there any non hormonal treatments for menopause?

Non-hormonal medicines may also be used to treat menopause symptoms. In 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes and a treatment for vaginal symptoms associated with menopause.

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