What does DSNT mean in METAR?

What does DSNT mean in METAR?

Distant weather phenomenon
CAVU – Ceiling and visibility unlimited. COR – Correction. DSNT – Distant weather phenomenon.

What does 10SM mean in METAR?

statute miles
10SM. Visibility in meters. Visibility in statute miles (U.S.)

What is the 8 * * * * Group on a METAR?

Runway State Group
Runway State Group (RSG) An 8-figure group which may be added to METAR from civil aerodromes.

How do I read a METAR file in Australia?

A (very) brief introduction to the Australian version of METAR code

  1. YWLM = location code for Williamtown, NSW.
  2. SPECI = this is a report about special or significant weather conditions.
  3. 1100Z = time in UTC.
  4. 18016KT = Wind is from 180 degrees (south) averaging 16 knots.
  5. 9999 = visibility in metres, i.e. 9999 metres or 10km.

What does 9999 mean on TAF?

9999. This value represents a visibility greater than 9000. meters (7 SM or more). The contraction CAVOK (ceiling and visibility OK) may be used when there is no significant weather, the visibility is 10 km or greater, and the ceilings are greater than 5,000 ft.

Are Pireps AGL or MSL?

In light blue, a PIREP at 1,000 ft above ground level (AGL), nearby, indicates cloud tops between 600 and 800 ft AGL on final approach to runway 29R. For example, the furthest west observation indicates west- northwest winds at 20 knots and a temperature of -7 C at an altitude of 11,100 ft MSL.

What does P mean for visibility?

highest reportable value
P. P. Greater than the highest reportable value (RVR)

What does TX and TN mean in a TAF?

TX – Indicator for Maximum temperature. TtTt – Temperature value in Celsius. TN – Indicator for Minimum temperature. HH – Forecast hour, i.e. the time(hour) when the temperature is expected.

How often is a TAF or METAR issued?

It is a special observation message highlighting any significant change since the last METAR or SPECI was issued. A TAF is a terminal forcast. It is issued every few hours, and is updated if necessary sooner. Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)

Which is better decoded METARs or raw METARs?

By looking at raw METARS, you can glean more information than the standard decoded METARS. From a more philosophical perspective, looking at observations is part of the process of “becoming one with the atmosphere”. I urge you to consume as much surface and upper-air observations as you possibly can before you start looking at computer guidance.

What does a METAR entry of 00000KT look like?

In stark contrast to windy Mount Washington, a METAR entry of 00000KTrepresents a calm wind. Also, a brief word about variablewinds is in order. When the wind is light (a speed of six knots or less) and it varies in direction with time, the data encoded on a METAR might look like VRB004KT (variable direction blowing at four knots).

What is the eight digit code on METAR?

An eight digit telegraphic code on runway conditions for some European airports may be included at the end of hourly METAR messages: The first two digits correspond to the runway designator. For parallel runways LEFT is indicated by the designator only (18L would be displayed as 18) and RIGHT has 50 added (18R would be displayed as 68).

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