What is AF2 in guided reading?

What is AF2 in guided reading?

AF2 Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text. AF2 applies to all levels of reading and all kinds of texts.

What are the four components of guided reading?

Each of the following posts will focus on the key parts of a guided reading lesson (book introduction, reading the book, post-reading conversation, and follow-up activities).

How do you run a guided reading session?

Steps in the guided reading process:

  1. Gather information about the readers to identify emphases.
  2. Select and analyze texts to use.
  3. Introduce the text.
  4. Observe children as they read the text individually (support if needed).
  5. Invite children to discuss the meaning of the text.
  6. Make one or two teaching points.

What is the focus of guided reading?

The purpose of Guided Reading is for children to problem solve and practice strategies using level-appropriate text. The role for each child in a Guided Reading group is to apply the focus strategy to the process of reading the entire text – not just a page.

What are the reading content domains?

Reading content domains highlight the elements of that national curriculum that will be assessed as part of the English reading test in the KS2 SATs. The reading domains of KS2 include author choice, vocabulary, compare, contrast and comment, retrieval, inference, summary and prediction.

What is assessment focus?

The needs assessment should focus on specific concerns to ensure that the results contribute to course planning. They may also relate to specific problems and needs such as the training of music teachers or engineers, thus defining course topics and the target group. …

What are the key elements of guided reading?

There are three essential elements in Guided Reading, they are before reading, during reading, and after reading.

What grades do guided reading?

What does Guided Reading look like in an intermediate or middle school classroom? Guided Reading lessons in grades 3–8 include texts with increasingly complex structures and meaning. Students pick up where they left off in the previous grade.

What is the main purpose of guided reading?

The main goal of guided reading is to help students use reading strategies whilst reading for meaning independently.

How does guided reading differ from shared reading?

A main difference between shared vs. guided reading is that during shared reading, interactions are maximized. During guided reading, thinking is maximized. During guided reading students actively participate in the group reading process – by listening or reading – and making their own conclusions about the text.

How does af2 apply to all levels of reading?

AF2 applies to all levels of reading and all kinds of texts. Pupils’ skills in retrieving information from texts are shown in different ways, from comments to paraphrase or retellings to summary and synthesis. At the highest levels, work in AF2 demonstrates critical insights based on close reading, merging with AF3.

How many assessment focuses are there for reading?

There are 7 assessment focuses (AFs) for reading that describe the key elements of performance in this attainment target. They are linked to the National Curriculum programmes of study and the level descriptions and are designed to give a detailed, analytic view of pupils’ attainment across all the key stages and in all types of reading.

What kind of skills are shown in af2?

Pupils’ skills in retrieving information from texts are shown in different ways, from comments to paraphrase or retellings to summary and synthesis. At the highest levels, work in AF2 demonstrates critical insights based on close reading, merging with AF3.

When to use AF Refs for Level 2?

Mostly for level 2, some level 1 and 3. The AF refs are for my benefit as they let me quickly choose a follow up activity for whatever AF I am focussing on with that child (I don’t use the term AF with them, just next steps). If there is no number after the AF they are generally L2, but usually fine for L1 and 3.

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