What is GE LCI?

What is GE LCI?

Starting for heavy-duty gas turbines GE’s LS2100e Static Starter is a load-commutated inverter (LCI) available in four power ratings: 8.5, 11, 14, and 22 MVA, matching the starting requirements of the largest gas turbine in the world.

What is LCI gas turbine?

Load Commutated Inverter (LCI) is a system with an input thyristor bridge and an output thyristor bridge. The output bridge operates at low speed by turning on a set of 2 thyristors to pass the DC current into the generator’s stator to cause it to rotate.

How does an LCI work?

The LCI operation is simple and reliable. It uses load-commutated, phase-controlled power thyristor technology to supply power to the stator windings of a high efficiency synchronous motor. The LCI controls the motor torque to regulate motor speed. Motor torque is controlled through the DC link current.

How does a VVVF drive work?

Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) Lift Drive employs frequency inverter technology which regulates input voltage and frequency throughout the journey, drawing much less current during acceleration and deceleration.

What are advantages of LCI drive?

The LCI drive is ideal for any high power synchronous motor application for which adjustable speed operation or soft starting is needed. Soft-starting reduces the mechanical stress on the motor and driven equipment as well as eliminating electrical starting surges on the ac power system.

Why Vvvf is used?

What is the difference between Vvvf and VFD?

Most commonly, the terms VFD and VSD are interchangeable. The term VVVF is often used in the mining industry – it refers to a variable voltage variable frequency drive. It describes exactly the same AC drive as the term VFD – any AC drive will automatically control voltage to suit the frequency it is running at.

Can a synchronous motor be loaded commutated?

When can the synchronous motor be load commutated? When the synchronous motor operates at a leading power factor thyristors of load side converter can be commutated by the motor induced voltages same way as the thyristors of a line commutated converter are commutated by line voltages. 25.

How speed control can be achieved by VSI techniques in synchronous motor drive?

Speed of synchronous motors can be controlled using two methods called open loop and close loop control. Open loop contol is the simplest scalar control method where motor speed is controlled by independent frequency control of the converter.

How does an LCI drive work?

What is the function of VSI drives?

VSI drives provide higher power factor and lower harmonic distortion than phase-controlled current-source inverter (CSI) and load-commutated inverter (LCI) drives (see ‘Generic topologies’ sub-section below).

How does a load commutated inverter ( LCI ) work?

Load Commutated Inverter (LCI) is a system with an input thyristor bridge and an output thyristor bridge. The input bridge is naturally commutated by the AC supply and supplies DC current with harmonics into a large inductor. The output bridge operates at low speed by turning on a set of 2 thyristors to pass…

What kind of inverter is GE SD 7000?

GE’s SD 7000 is a medium voltage load commuted inverter that offers high efficiency and reliability. SD 7000 is high power drive technology that enables efficient conversion of electrical power. A mature and proven solution, our medium voltage drive SD7000 LCI is dedicated to high power applications.

What kind of control box does GE use?

The GE Control Systems Toolbox (toolbox) is used to configure the LS2100 control. This is the same toolbox used to configure the Mark VI gas turbine control and EX2100 excitation control.

Which is the controlst tool for GE Mark vie controller?

ControlST* is the common configuration tool for the GE Mark VIe controller family including LS2100e static starter. GE’s HMI systems utilize common operator stations and engineer workstations to simplify plant operations and maintenance. To save capital costs, GE’s static starter can be configured to start more than one turbine.

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