How long does BCG vaccine side effects last?

How long does BCG vaccine side effects last?

Some side effects may occur up to 5 months after you receive BCG vaccine. These side effects may also last for several weeks.

Which countries still give BCG vaccine?

A: The country currently has universal BCG vaccination program. B: The country used to recommend BCG vaccination for everyone, but currently does not….Countries that currently recommend multiple BCG vaccinations (n = 16).

Country Kazakhstan
Age of 1st BCG At birth
Age of 2nd BCG 6 yrs
Age of 3rd BCG 12 yrs

How long does BCG vaccine stay in your system?

Although most studies of the immune response to BCG in humans focus on peripheral blood, punch biopsies at the vaccination site have revealed that live BCG persists until at least 4 weeks post-vaccination in previously unvaccinated adults.

When should I worry about BCG vaccine?

It’s normal for it to leave a small scar. Occasionally, there may be a more severe skin reaction, but this should heal within several weeks. If you’re worried that your or your child’s skin reaction is abnormal or that the spot may have become infected, contact a GP.

What can I expect after BCG vaccine?

The usual expected reaction to BCG vaccination is redness and/or a small lump at the injection site, followed by a small ulcer (open sore) a few weeks later (usually less than 1 cm in diameter). The ulcer may last from a few weeks to months before healing to a small flat scar.

Is BCG vaccine given in Singapore?

BCG vaccination was started in mid 1950s in Singapore as part of the childhood immunisation programme. All new-borns were vaccinated at birth and although parental consent is required, acceptances have been high and close to 100% of children have been vaccinated in the last decade (Table 7.2).

What happens if BCG is given twice?

There is no proven benefit of repeated BCG vaccination against TB. This also applies to revaccination of BCG-vaccinated individuals who remain negative by subsequent tuberculin testing. In the absence of a scar in children in high-burden countries, BCG vaccination is indicated.

What can you not do after BCG vaccine?

How to care for the vaccination site

  • Do not squeeze or scratch the site.
  • Do not use ointments, oils, or herbs on the site.
  • Do not put a sticking plaster over the site.
  • Do not rub or massage the site. If you have any concerns or need information about TB or the BCG vaccine, please contact your Public Health Nurse.

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