Which journal is better science or nature?

Which journal is better science or nature?

Nature is probably the most prestigious by a nose; it’s a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and in the past has published hundreds of papers that have gone on to change the world. Science is a little less famous, but is also a very well-respected journal publishing peer-reviewed papers.

Is nature a reputable scientific journal?

Nature was one of the world’s most cited scientific journals by the Science Edition of the 2019 Journal Citation Reports (with an ascribed impact factor of 42.778), making it one of the world’s most-read and most prestigious academic journals.

What is the most respected science journal?

Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Title Total Cites (3years)
1 Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 15499
2 MMWR Recommendations and Reports 492
3 National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System 1225
4 Cell 52644

How much does a science magazine subscription cost?

What does a personal subscription cost today? Today, a one year personal subscription to Science costs $149 for a member and $75 for a student.

Is nature a high impact journal?

Nature has the highest impact factor of any journal publishing basic scientific research.

Is Springer nature a credible source?

Springer Nature is one of the world’s leading global research, educational and professional publishers, home to an array of respected and trusted brands providing quality content through a range of innovative products and services.

What is the most prestigious science magazine?

The 10 Most Important & Popular Science Magazines

  • National Geographic.
  • Discover Magazine.
  • Popular Science.
  • Scientific American.
  • The Smithsonian.
  • The Scientist.
  • New Scientist Magazine.
  • Cosmos Magazine.

Is the Nature journal a reputable journal?

Nature is part of a publishing group with many other leading, high-impact factor journals with the Nature brand. Yes, definitely “a” reputable international science journal…if not THE most reputable of all multidisciplinary science journals. Originally Answered: Is Nature a reputable international science journal?

Are there gift subscriptions for Springer Nature journals?

Gift subscriptions are available for any of the Nature Research journals. If you use a debit or credit card to pay for Springer Nature subscriptions you may be charged a Foreign Purchase Fee by your bank or card issuer.

How many articles are published in nature each year?

The journals Science and Nature get about 10,000 submissions per year and publish less than 1,000 articles per year. Nature has a handy chart indicated about 7.6% of submissions actually got published in2017 ( Editorial criteria and processes ). Science is probably similar.

How much does it cost to subscribe to nature?

Nature’s landmark papers, award winning news, leading comment and expert opinion on important, topical scientific news and events enable readers to share the latest discoveries in science and evolve the discussion amongst the global scientific community. For Individuals$199.00.

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