Can you get meningitis from mono?

Can you get meningitis from mono?

Viruses that cause “stomach flu” are a cause of viral meningitis, but most people who have these infections don’t develop meningitis. Other viruses that lead to meningitis are those that cause chickenpox, mononucleosis (mono), and herpes.

How can I be exempt from meningitis vaccine?

Students may begin classes without a certificate of immunization against meningococcal disease if: 1) the student has a letter from a physician stating that there is a medical reason why he/she can’t receive the vaccine; 2) the student (or the student’s parent or legal guardian, if the student is a minor) presents a …

Who should not get meningococcal vaccine?

Do not administer meningococcal vaccines to: A person who has ever had a severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) after a previous dose. A person who has a severe allergy to any vaccine component.

Who should get the meningitis vaccine?

All 11 to 12 year olds should get a MenACWY vaccine, with a booster dose at 16 years old. Teens and young adults (16 through 23 years old) also may get a MenB vaccine. CDC also recommends meningococcal vaccination for other children and adults who are at increased risk for meningococcal disease.

Can you get meningitis after vaccine?

Because the vaccines do not protect against all causes of meningitis, it is still possible that someone could receive the vaccine and still get meningitis from a different strain not protected by the vaccine. But the risk of contracting meningococcal meningitis is significantly lower after the vaccine.

Does Mono make you immunocompromised?

The virus can cause the body to produce an excessive number of white blood cells called lymphocytes (lymphocytosis). EBV can also weaken the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight infection.

Is the meningitis vaccine required for college?

CDC recommends a meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) vaccine for first-year college students living in residence halls. If they received it before their 16th birthday, they need a booster shot for maximum protection before going to college.

Is the meningitis vaccine mandatory?

No state currently mandates the vaccine for Men B – the strain of meningitis that has caused every college outbreak in the last five years.

Are meningitis and meningococcal the same thing?

What is the difference between meningococcal disease and meningitis? While meningococcal disease and meningitis are related, they are not the same thing. Meningitis refers to an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord.

Is meningococcal vaccine necessary?

CDC recommends meningococcal vaccination for all preteens and teens. In certain situations, CDC also recommends other children and adults get meningococcal vaccines.

Is the meningitis vaccine necessary?

Do adults need meningitis vaccine?

Because teens and young adults are at increased risk for meningitis, all adolescents should be vaccinated against meningitis. For adults at risk, the vaccine is important.

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