Where is Oyu Tolgoi located in the world?

Where is Oyu Tolgoi located in the world?

Oyu Tolgoi also produced 182K ounces of gold and 876K of ounces of silver. Rio Tinto owns 50.8% of Turquoise Hill Resources, which owns 66% of Oyu Tolgoi. Oyu Tolgoi, in the South Gobi region of Mongolia, is one of the largest known copper and gold deposits in the world.

Who are the owners of Oyu Tolgoi mine?

Current infrastructure at Oyu Tolgoi will allow the mine to operate for decades to come. Oyu Tolgoi is jointly owned by the government of Mongolia, which has 34% ownership, and Turquoise Hill Resources, which owns 66%. Rio Tinto owns 50.8% of Turquoise Hill Resources and manages the operation on behalf of the owners.

How does Oyu Tolgoi work with Rio Tinto?

The team in Mongolia are supported by the Rio Tinto Underground Mining Centre, which connects our caving experts in the Brisbane hub with our operations team at Oyu Tolgoi. These groups work together to improve safety and productivity performance by using the vast amount of data being collected.

Is the shashuka at Toli Toli good?

I highly recommend visiting Toli Toli, as the food and service was really good! Shashuka was really nice, the portion is mid-size. And let’s talk about the Arabic desert…

How much of Oyu Tolgoi does Rio Tinto own?

Rio Tinto owns 50.8% of Turquoise Hill Resources, which owns 66% of Oyu Tolgoi. Oyu Tolgoi, in the South Gobi region of Mongolia, is one of the largest known copper and gold deposits in the world.

When did Ivanhoe take over Oyu Tolgoi project?

In early 2002, Ivanhoe earned 100% ownership of the Oyu Tolgoi project by paying BHP Billiton US$5 million and spending US$6 million on exploration. BHP Billiton’s back-in rights expired in mid-2002, giving Ivanhoe complete control over the project, except for a 2% net smelter royalty held by BHP Billiton.

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