What are some Quebec expressions?

What are some Quebec expressions?

As with Standard French, there are a number of idioms and sayings that are used in Quebecois slang.

  • Lache pas la patate. This sentence means “don’t give up!”
  • Avoir des vers dans le cul.
  • C’est de valeur!
  • Il fait frette.
  • J’ai la langue à terre.
  • Être vite sur ses patins.
  • Avoir les shakes.
  • Aller aux vues.

How do you insult a Quebecois?

These expressions are very common in Québecois, so you’ll learn these easily….Swears and Insult : 2.

Goddamit that guy is an idiot! Sacrament que ce gars-là est épais !
I’ve goddam well had it! Câlisse que j’en ai marre !
I’m so goddam sick of this! Ostie que je suis tanné !

What does Kiet mean in French?

kiet {adjective} paid-up {adj.} kiet (also: quitte)

How do you say what’s up in Quebecois?

Use the French slang quoi de neuf carefully. This French phrase translates into “what’s up?” and can be used as an informal greeting. As you might suspect from its English equivalent, quoi de neuf is slang and should also be reserved for friends and family.

How do you say good luck in Canadian?

Who is it? – Qui est-ce? Good luck! – Bonne chance!

How do you say friend in Quebecois?

I know in Quebec they use “Ami” and “Chum” a lot for the word “friend”. And in France they use “Ami” and “Pote”.

Is it illegal to swear in French in Montreal?

In Quebec City and Montreal, it’s against the law to swear in French. So you shouldn’t curse in French in places where the vast majority of people speak the language! However, other legal experts claim that the opposite is true—that it’s illegal to curse in any other language other than French.

Is jerk a bad word?

Jerk is also a very unflattering term for an obnoxious person. Although you will most commonly hear the derogatory jerk as in “Don’t be such a jerk,” there are many other meanings of the word.

What does Ostie de Colon mean?

an idiot
Again drawing on liturgical terms, ostie de colon is generally used to refer to someone as an idiot.

What is Quebec slang called?

Joual (French pronunciation: ​[ʒwal]) is an accepted name for the linguistic features of basilectal Quebec French that are associated with the French-speaking working class in Montreal which has become a symbol of national identity for some.

Can I say bonjour at night?

“Bonjour”—The Most Common Greeting It’s a flexible, all-purpose term: You use it to greet people in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Bonjour is always polite, and it works in any situation.

How do you say a drink in Quebec?

The word breuvage is used for “[a] drink” in addition to boisson; this is an old French usage (bevrage) from which the English “beverage” originates.

Who is the translator for Le Quebecois en 10?

Alexandre Coutu (aka arekkusu or alexandrec on language forums) is a polyglot, translator, language coach, course designer and occasional interpreter. He just published a course on spoken Québec French called Le québécois en 10 leçons.

What kind of French do they speak in Quebec?

As such, Quebec has developed its own dialect of French that not only differs in grammar and vocabulary from Standard (Parisian French), but also from other varieties of French within Canada. Best of all, Quebecois French also has its own fascinating—and highly useful— French slang words and expressions.

How are English words and calques integrated in Quebec?

Many English words and calques have also been integrated in Quebec French, although less than in France. In Quebec, borrowed English words tend to have the same meaning as the English word. In France, they often have a very different meaning; for example ‘le smoking’ for ‘tuxedo’.

Why did the French language change from Paris to Quebec?

However, political changes in France caused Paris’ dialect to become the country’s prestige language variety; it’s that dialect that eventually formed the basis of today’s standard French. Meanwhile, the French spoken in what was later to become Québec continued to slowly evolve in its own direction.

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