Does it rain in Sialkot tomorrow?

Does it rain in Sialkot tomorrow?

The weather is forecasted to be sunny with daytime temperature reaching 31 °c. Night time temperature are expected to be 17 °c.It will stay dry with no precipitation.

How is the weather in Sialkot today?

Sun 14

  1. Humidity48%
  2. UV Index4 of 10.
  3. Sunset5:01 pm.

Does it rain in Sialkot?

Throughout the year, in Sialkot, Pakistan, there are 103.8 rainfall days, and 440mm (17.32″) of precipitation is accumulated.

What is the percentage of rain in Sialkot today?

2 Week Extended Forecast in Sialkot, Pakistan

Conditions Precipitation
Day Temperature Chance
Sun Nov 14 81 / 52 °F 0%
Mon Nov 15 78 / 51 °F 1%
Tue Nov 16 77 / 52 °F 2%

Does it snow in Sialkot?

When can you find snow in Sialkot? Weather stations report no annual snow.

What was the temperature yesterday in Sialkot Pakistan?

Sialkot Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours

Conditions Comfort
Time Temp Humidity
5:00 pm 77 °F 65%
2:00 pm 81 °F 50%
8:00 am 59 °F 84%

What is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Sialkot?

In recent times the highest recorded temperature in November has been 33°C that’s 92°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 1°C, about 34°F.

What is the highest temperature ever recorded in Sialkot?

Date Temperature °C City
27 January 2008 -3 °C Saidu Sharif
1 February 1929 -3 °C Sialkot
15 January 1935 -3 °C Bahawalpur
17 January 1935 −2.8 °C (27.0 °F) Lahore

Is it safe to visit Sialkot?

Sialkot is a safe city as compared to the other cities of Pakistan. Crimes such as pocketing and robbery are not very common. Violent crime is very rare. The people of Sialkot are friendly to the visitors.

Which is hottest city of Pakistan?

New Delhi: Summer temperatures in the city of Jacobabad in Pakistan’s Sindh province can go as high as 52 degree Celsius — a threshold hotter than the human body can endure.

Is Sialkot Indian?

Formerly, Sialkot has been the winter-capital of the State of Kashmir. The city is about 125 km (78 mi) north-west of Lahore and only a few kilometres from Jammu in India.

How old is the city of Sialkot?

about 5000 years old
According to legends and traditions, the city is about 5000 years old and was first established by Raja Sul and was invaded by Alexander in 327 AD. It was re-established by Raja Sálbán in 200 AD. He built the famous Sialkot Fort.

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