What is the synonym of materialism?

What is the synonym of materialism?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for materialism. commercialism, possessiveness.

What is the same meaning of materialistic?

1 : overly concerned or preoccupied with material possessions rather than with intellectual or spiritual things We had always watched The Beverly Hillbillies, and the Andy Griffith Show, where the country folks had to set things straight for the more materialistic city folk.—

What do you call a materialistic person?

Being overly concerned with material possessions and wealth. grasping. avaricious. acquisitive. greedy.

What is an example of materialism?

The definition of materialism is the philosophy that everything can be explained in terms of matter, or the idea that goods and wealth are the most important things. An example of materialism is explaining love in terms of material things. An example of materialism is valuing a new car over friendships.

What is it called when you like material things?

an adherent of philosophical materialism. adjective. concerned with material things; materialistic. of or relating to philosophical materialism or its adherents.

What’s another word for material things?

What is another word for material goods?

wealth fortune
things stuff
reserve supplies
movables supply
materials stocks

What do you call someone who is obsessed with possessions?

The definition of materialistic is a person who is focused on objects, ownership and wealth. Being overly concerned with material possessions and wealth.

What is vulgar materialism?

a tendency of mid-19th century bourgeois philosophy that came into being at the same time as the great discoveries in the natural sciences of the century.

Can a materialist believe in God?

Some materialists believed in gods, but god in an atomic world view is only another conglomerate of atoms. The gods are not basically different from humans: they too decompose. Ethics is not necessarily related to the idea of god. Many materialists spoke critically of God and religion.

What is materialism trap?

New advances in technology create the need to have the latest and greatest and can become the materialism trap. These products are introduced, marketed, and sold to buyers everyday and often the consumers become impulsive buyers.

Why do I obsess over material things?

In short, we believe that being obsessed with material possessions is to have the primary focus of our minds and motivations being on material things. This includes peoples motivations to do this like work hard and achieve certain goals – ultimately doing so for money and having stuff.

What is the synonym of possessions?

belongings, things, property, worldly goods, goods, personal effects, effects, stuff, assets, accoutrements, paraphernalia, impedimenta, bits and pieces, luggage, baggage, bags and baggage, chattels, movables, valuables. Law goods and chattels.

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