Is Tirmidhi hadith authentic?

Is Tirmidhi hadith authentic?

The first, those hadith definitively classified as authentic, he is in agreement with Bukhari and Muslim. The second category are those hadith which conform to the standard of the three scholars, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasa’i and Abu Dawood, at a level less than Bukhari and Muslim.

Who wrote Sunan Al Tirmidhi?

Jami’ al-Tirmidhi/Authors

Who wrote Sahih Bukhari?

Muhammad al-Bukhari
Sahih al-Bukhari/Authors

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī is one of the six major hadith collections of Sunni Islam (kutub al-sittah). It was compiled by Persian scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari around 846 CE/232 AH.

Is Sahih Bukhari real?

As agreed by all the scholars, Sahih Al-Bukhari is the most authentic book after the Holy Quran. The full name of Imam Bukhari is Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al-Mughirah ibn Bardizyah Al-Jufri Al-Bukhari.

Who exiled Imam Bukhari from the city?

When the governor of the city asked al-Bukhari to give him and his children private lessons, al-Bukhari refused. The governor encouraged other scholars to charge al-Bukhari with heresy and expelled him from the city. Al-Bukhari left for Khartank, near Samarkand, where he lived until his death on Aug. 1, 870.

What are the Sahih Hadiths?

In its classic form a hadith has two parts—the chain of narrators who have transmitted the report (the isnad), and the main text of the report (the matn). Individual hadith are classified by Muslim clerics and jurists into categories such as sahih (“authentic”), hasan (“good”) or da’if (“weak”).

What is the history of Imam Bukhari?

His full name is Abu Abdullah Mohamed bin Ismail Al-Bukhari and was born in 194 AH (8100 AD) in Bukhara, one of the present cities of Uzbekistan. His father died when he was young, and he was raised as an orphan by his mother, who educated him well and had a role in sharpening his love and passion for science.

Who is the teacher of Imam Bukhari?

Ubaid Allah ibn Musa
He began authoring books and narrating hadith while still an adolescent. He said, “When I turned eighteen years old, I began writing about the Companions and the Followers and their statements. This was during the time of ‘Ubaid Allah ibn Musa (one of his teachers).

Where was Al-Bukhari from?

Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Muhammad al-Bukhari/Place of birth

Where did Imam Bukhari died?

Xoʻja Ismoil, Uzbekistan
Muhammad al-Bukhari/Place of death

Where is Imam Bukhari buried?

Tomb Of Imam Bukhari, Xoʻja Ismoil, Uzbekistan
Muhammad al-Bukhari/Place of burial

What is a Bukhari?

Bukhari or Bokhari (بخاری‎) means “from Bukhara” in Persian, Arabic, Urdu and Hebrew, and may refer to: al-Bukhari (810–870), Islamic hadith scholar and author of the Sahih al-Bukhari. Sahih al-Bukhari (9th century), one of the two most authoritative hadith collections in Sunni Islam. Bukharan Jews.

How many times did al-Tirmidhi mention al-Bukhari?

At-Tirmidhi mentioned al-Bukhari’s name 114 times in his Jami`. He used al-Bukhari’s Kitab at-Tarikh as a source when mentioning discrepancies in the text of a hadith or its transmitters, and praised al-Bukhari as being the most knowledgeable person in Iraq or Khurasan in the science of discrepancies of hadith.

Who are some of the teachers of at-Tirmidhi?

At-Tirmidhi also narrated some hadiths from Abu Dawud, and one from Muslim. Muslim also narrated one hadith from at-Tirmidhi in his own Sahih. A.J. Wensinck mentions Ahmad ibn Hanbal as among at-Tirmidhi’s teachers. However, Hoosen states that according to the most reliable sources, at-Tirmidhi never went to Baghdad,…

Which is the most authentic hadith collection after Sahih al Bukhari?

Saheeh Muslim is authored by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj an-Naysaboori. It is considered as the most authentic Hadith collection after Sahih al Bukhari. The wordings of the book is preffered to Bukhari Sharif and narrations on one topic can all be found in the same place.

How many chapters are in Jami al Tirmidhi?

Al-Kattani said: ” The Jamiʿ of at-Tirmidhi is also named The Sunan, contrary to those thinking them to be two separate books, and [it is also named] Al-Jamiʿ al-Kabir. It contains 3,956 Ahadith (now roughly 4400), and has been divided into fifty chapters—disputed as 46 books.

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