Can you still purchase diazinon?

Can you still purchase diazinon?

Beginning today, consumers can no longer buy one of the most popular lawn and garden insecticides of all time. Retailers in the United States are prohibited from selling diazinon, a highly effective killer of a variety of yard pests such as ants and grub worms. It is still legal to use diazinon on some crops.

Why is diazinon banned?

In 2004, the US outlawed residential use of diazinon when the EPA determined that its ability to damage the nervous system posed a risk to human health (especially the health of children). The chemical is still used for agricultural purposes and those cattle ear tags designed to contain chemicals to control insects.

What has replaced diazinon?

A number of pyrethroids and permethrin-based insecticides can be used to substitute for diazinon, says Coby Long, insecticide brand manager at Syngenta.

What can malathion be used for?

Malathion is a man-made organophosphate insecticide that is commonly used to control mosquitoes and a variety of insects that attack fruits, vegetables, landscaping plants, and shrubs. It can also be found in other pesticide products used indoors and on pets to control ticks and insects, such as fleas and ants.

How toxic is Diazinon?

Overall, diazinon is fairly low in toxicity when inhaled, ingested or when it gets on the skin, so minor exposures are not likely to cause severe symptoms. However, small exposures to diazinon can cause mild skin or eye irritation.

Does Diazinon expire?

Shelf-life of at least 3 to 5 yr when stored in a dry place & minimum storage temp.

Is malathion banned?

But after the Trump administration took office, Dow officials asked the EPA and other federal agencies to abandon years of work assessing the harms of several pesticides, including malathion. Seven months later the EPA and Fish and Wildlife Service indefinitely suspended the malathion assessment.

How bad is diazinon?

What is as good as diazinon?

Some that give control similar to diazinon are malathion, Merit, Orthene, Sevin and several synthetic pyrethrins. Gardeners should check labels to see which pests are controlled and specific uses with vegetables, fruits, lawns and other landscape plantings.

Does diazinon expire?

Why was malathion banned?

California says it is a “toxic air contaminant” that could endanger human health. A state scientific panel that said the pesticide can cause serious health effects, including brain and neurological damage in children who inhale it, at lower levels of exposure than previous studies had found.

Is malathion banned in US?

Malathion was first registered for use in the United States in 1956 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and it is now regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA).

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