What is B2 avionics?

What is B2 avionics?

Category B2 (Avionics) – License holder to issue certificates of release to service after maintenance on avionic and electrical systems,avionics and electrical system within engine and mechanical systems requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability of aircraft type endorsed on the license.

How long are EASA modules valid?

This means that a person can complete all modules within a five year time period at which point this passed package of modules is valid indefinitely.

What are the categories according to JAR 66?

Category A – Line Maintenance Certifying Mechanic. Category B1 – Maintenance Certifying Technician – Mechanical. Category B2 – Maintenance Certifying Technician – Avionic. Category C – Base Maintenance Certifying Engineer.

What is an EASA Part 66?

EASA Part 66 – The European Aviation Safety Agency Implementing Rule (IR) Part 66 is the aviation regulation which defines the conditions by which a maintenance engineer is able to gain (through a company approval) authorisation to work on, certify and release an aircraft into service after a maintenance operation.

What is B1 B2 courses?

B1 is an EASA license certification for aircraft structure and engines (Mechanical). B2 is an EASA license certification for aircrafts avionics systems (Electrical).

How many modules are there in DGCA?

17 modules
DGCA Govt of India is the regulatory body which conducts the modules in academic years. The candidate has to clear all the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering subjects and training to get the AME license. There are total of 17 modules, but candidate has to clear the modules depending upon the chosen stream.

WHO issues a Part 66 Licence?

Part-66 licences are issued by the competent authorities of the EU Member States, plus Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The list of the National Aviation Authorities and their contact details can be accessed here: http://easa.europa.eu/the-agency/member-states .

What is the difference between EASA Part 66 and Part 147?

EASA Part-66 is the regulation governing a common European aircraft maintenance license recognized in all EASA member states. EASA Part-147 delivers the regulations governing a Maintenance Training Organisation responsible for either Basic or Type Training for Part 66 Engineers.

How do I get my EASA Part 66 license?

The process to get EASA Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance License (AML) – B1, B2 or B3

  1. Get your theoretical training (examinations) for the license category done. Apply to Part 147 training organization and book your seat for training & examination.
  2. Get the first aircraft type endorsed into your Aircraft Maintenance License.

How do I get Part 66?


  1. In order to get an EASA Part-66 AML (Aircraft Maintenance License), an applicant needs: Basic knowledge (66. A. 25);
  2. In order to get an aircraft type rating TR endorsed in the AML, an applicant needs: Type Training (Theoretical and Practical) (66. A. On-the-job Training (OJT) for the first TR (66.

What is B2 Licence?

A B2 Licensed Engineer focuses on managing the necessary maintenance and repair checks concerned with the electrical systems and equipment on an aircraft. The B1 mechanics license focuses on engines and airframes, while B2 avionics centres around instrumentation and electrical/ electronic equipment.

Which university is best for Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in Pakistan?

3 Universities and Colleges are offering BS Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Technology in Pakistan

Institute City Degree, Duration
1. The University Of Lahore ( Main Campus ) Lahore BS , 4 Years
2. University Of Management And Technology Lahore BS , 4 Years
3. Aeroline Institute Of Aviation Studies Lahore BS , 4 Years

What does EASA Part 66 Cat B licence mean?

EASA Part 66 Modules CAT B Licence An EASA Category B Licence permits the holder to issue certifications of release to service of aircraft following maintenance of aircraft structures, power plant, mechanical or avionic systems and electrical systems.

How many modules are there in EASA Part 66?

There are 18 modules in total under EASA part 66. But you don’t need to do all 18 modules to Acquire a license. Check out the table in EASA part 66 modules section which details modules and applicable categories.

What is a Category C CRS in EASA?

Category C –permits the holder to issue a CRS following base maintenance on aircraft. The privileges apply to the aircraft in its entirety in a Part 145 organization. 10 EASA Part 66 It may be noted that the term “Electrical Systems” has appeared under both the B1 and B2 license categories Although the words are the same, the systems are not.

How is credit granted in part 66 of EASA?

According to 66.B.100(b), the competent authority shall verify that all required modules of Appendix I to Part-66 related to that new (sub)category sought are met. Credit can be granted as regards to the basic knowledge of the (sub)category for which the licence has been already issued.

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