What is the K factor in the USLE equation?

What is the K factor in the USLE equation?

K factor is soil erodibility factor which represents both susceptibility of soil to erosion and the rate of runoff, as measured under the standard unit plot condition. Soils high in clay have low K values, about 0.05 to 0.15, because they resistant to detachment.

How do you calculate R factor for USLE?

R factor of each rainfall event is calculated as the product of total storm energy(E) and maximum 30 min intensity (I30) of that rainfall event. R factor of each rainfall events are summed up and divided by number of years to get average annual R factor values.

What is the K factor in soil?

The K Factor is an index which quantifies the relative susceptibility of the soil to sheet and rill erosion. K Factor is used in the RUSLE2 soil loss prediction equation. Values range from 0.02 for the least erodible soils to 0.64 for the most erodible.

What is wind erosion equation how the soil loss is computed by this equation?

(a) The equation for predicting soil loss due to wind in the Wind Erosion Equation (WEQ) is E = f(IKCLV). (For further information on WEQ see the paper by N.P. Woodruff and F.H. Siddaway, 1965.

What is the meaning of erodibility?

Erodibility. The susceptibility of the ground surface to erosion. In an aeolian context, this refers to susceptibility to wind erosion. For bare, dry, surfaces, this is determined by the particle size of surface sediments.

What is erodibility index?

The erosion index (EI, also called the erodibility index) is created by dividing potential erosion (from all sources except gully erosion) by the T value, which is the rate of soil erosion above which long term productivity may be adversely affected.

How do you calculate Erosivity?

The rainfall erosivity is calculated by multiplying the kinetic energy by the maximum rainfall intensity during a period of 30-minutes for each rainstorm. The R-factor accumulates the rainfall erosivity of individual rainstorm events and averages this value over multiple years.

How do you calculate Rusle?

RUSLE maintains the same empirically based equation as USLE to compute sheet and rill erosion as follows: A=RKLSCP where A is computed soil loss, R is the rainfall-runoff erosivity factor, K is a soil erodibility factor, L is the slope length factor, S is the slope steepness factor, C is a cover management factor, and …

How is USLE calculated?

The USLE is an empirically based equation, derived from a large mass of field data, especially erosion plots and rainfall simulator experiments, and computes sheet and rill erosion as follows: A=RKLSCP where A is computed soil loss, R is the rainfall-runoff erosivity factor, K is a soil erodibility factor, L is the …

What is USLE model?

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is a widely used mathematical model that describes soil erosion processes. The USLE or one of its derivatives are main models used by United States government agencies to measure water erosion.

What is the unit of soil erodibility?

It is expressed in units described as erosion index units. K: The soil erodibility factor to account for the soil loss rate in t/ha per erosion index unit for a given soil as measured on a unit plot which is defined as a plot 22.1 m long on a 9% slope under a continuous bare cultivated fallow.

What is the meaning of soil erodibility?

Erodability (or erodibility) is the inherent yielding or nonresistance of soils and rocks to erosion. A high erodability implies that the same amount of work exerted by the erosion processes leads to a larger removal of material.

How is the universal soil loss equation ( USLE ) calculated?

Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) A = R x K x LS x C x P A represents the potential long-term average annual soil loss in tonnes per hectare (tons per acre) per year. This is the amount, which is compared to the “tolerable soil loss” limits.

Which is the best measure of soil erodibility?

The factor K is a measure of soil erodibility under this standard condition. Land use, such as incorporation of organic material into the soil, affects soil erodibility, but such effects are considered in the C factor.

How does land use affect the soil erodibility?

Land use, such as incorporation of organic material into the soil, affects soil erodibility, but such effects are considered in the C factor. The K factor is influenced by the detachability of the soil, infiltration and runoff, and the transportability of the sediment eroded from the soil.

What is the equation for average annual soil loss?

These influences are described in RUSLE with the equation: A = R K L S C P where: A = average annual soil loss, K = soil erodibility factor, L = slope length factor, S = slope steepness factor, C = cover-management factor, and P = supporting practices factor.

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