What is the plot of Spirited Away?

What is the plot of Spirited Away?

In this animated feature by noted Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki, 10-year-old Chihiro (Rumi Hiiragi) and her parents (Takashi Naitô, Yasuko Sawaguchi) stumble upon a seemingly abandoned amusement park. After her mother and father are turned into giant pigs, Chihiro meets the mysterious Haku (Miyu Irino), who explains that the park is a resort for supernatural beings who need a break from their time spent in the earthly realm, and that she must work there to free herself and her parents.
Spirited Away/Film synopsis

What does the ending of Spirited Away mean?

It is the farthest thing from a child-friendly environment there is. Sen only escapes the Spirit World and regains her name by conquering her fear of the adult world. When she journeys to return a special golden seal to the witch Zeniba, she discovers something unexpected.

Is there a sequel to Spirited Away?

‘ It is known to all that, it doesn’t matter whether a film is successful or not, Studio Ghibli doesn’t make any sequel of any of his films. It’s really heartbreaking that there are no official reports about the sequel, so you may think for now, that there is actually no chance of spirited away 2.

What is special about the animation in Spirited Away?

Spirited Away stands apart from other animated movies because it is hand-drawn—not computer-generated—a method of animation that is nearly extinct in the United States. Artists draw and paint single pictures, called frames, which are then filmed in order.

Why did Haku help Chihiro?

Spirited Away He is a young boy who is a river spirit in the form of a human, who helps Chihiro after her parents have transformed into pigs. Haku was originally the spirit of the Kohaku River and knows Chihiro because he once saved her from drowning.

How did Chihiro know the pigs weren’t her parents?

The letter also says the reason Chihiro knew none of the pigs at the end of the film were her parents was not because she had “obtained special abilities” in the spirit world. After all the things she’s experienced up to that point, Chihiro simply knows that her parents aren’t there.

Why was Chihiro not allowed to look back?

So the very short answer to the question we embarked on in the very beginning, Chihiro doesn’t look back because she learned her lessons. ​And we know she’s learned her lessons, because we get two shots of the hair band that she got. The first time, she almost turns back but doesn’t.

Will Chihiro and Haku meet again?

She meets Haku, a young boy who can also turn into a dragon. Haku helps and keeps Chihiro safe as she navigates and meets other uncanny characters in the spirit world. The movie ended with Haku promising Chihiro that they will meet again in the future as Chihiro comes back to the real world with her parents.

Did Haku save Chihiro?

Part of Haku’s name, Kohaku, is the name of the river where Chihiro miraculously survived from drowning as a child. He saved her, now she saved him.

Did Chihiro forget?

Well, according to Miyazaki himself, Chihiro did not recall her experience after leaving the spirit world at the end — but added that it doesn’t mean completely forgetting it, and how there’s a likely chance she’ll eventually remember what happened.

Does Chihiro forget?

Quel est le secret de Chihiro?

Le secret réside dans un subtil enchevêtrement d’émotions et de splendides animations avec, en fil conducteur, une critique de la société actuelle ou la défense d’une cause. Le voyage de Chihiro ne fait pas exception, il s’agit d’un conte sublime mélangeant émerveillement et critique.

Quels sont les thèmes de Chihiro?

Il y développe plusieurs thèmes qui lui sont chers, dont l’intégration par le travail collectif, le voyage initiatique, le renouement avec les valeurs ancestrales (notamment le shinto) et le danger de la société moderne pour la nature et les traditions. La production de Chihiro débute en 2000 avec un budget de 19 millions de dollars.

Quel est le film le plus proche de Chihiro?

Le Voyage de Chihiro illustre certains thèmes récurrents du cinéma de Miyazaki, notamment le travail collectif, le respect de l’environnement, le voyage et l’intégration. Le film qui en est le plus proche est Kiki la petite sorcière : à l’instar de Chihiro,…

Est-ce que le voyage de Chihiro a été réalisé au Japon?

Le Voyage de Chihiro, dont la production débute fin 1999 et dure un an et demi, est ainsi le premier film Ghibli à ne pas avoir été intégralement réalisé au Japon, l’élaboration d’une partie des scènes ayant été confiée à un studio coréen.

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