What is the stratum lucidum function?

What is the stratum lucidum function?

It is usually found in the thick skin of the palm of the hand or soles of the feet. The function of it is to protect the areas most common to damages such as palms of the hand, side fingers and the bottoms of the feet. It is usually an extra layer of skin.

What is stratum radiatum?

The stratum radiatum located next to the layer of pyramidal cells in hippocampal area CA1 is a cell body-poor, finely textured zone striated by dendritic shafts running in parallel from apices of pyramidal cells (Figure 1). Figure 1. They are located mainly on dendritic spines.

How many layers does the hippocampus have?

The cortex thins from six layers to the three or four layers that make up the hippocampus. The term hippocampal formation is used to refer to the hippocampus proper and its related parts.

What are the four main neuronal regions of the hippocampus?

Hippocampome.org is a comprehensive knowledge base of neuron types in the rodent hippocampal formation (dentate gyrus, CA3, CA2, CA1, subiculum, and entorhinal cortex).

What is stratum lucidum known as?

The stratum lucidum (Latin for “clear layer”) is a thin, clear layer of dead skin cells in the epidermis named for its translucent appearance under a microscope. Located between the stratum granulosum and stratum corneum layers, it is composed of three to five layers of dead, flattened keratinocytes.

What melanocytes function?

Melanocytes are cells of neural crest origin. In the human epidermis, they form a close association with keratinocytes via their dendrites. Melanocytes are well known for their role in skin pigmentation, and their ability to produce and distribute melanin has been studied extensively.

Where is the stratum radiatum?

The stratum radiatum is located superficial to the stratum lucidum in CA3 and the pyramidal cell layer in the CA1 and CA2. The most superficial layer in the hippocampal proper is called the stratum lacunosum-moleculare (Figure 18.1). The principal cell layer in the dentate gyrus is called the stratum granulosum.

What is the CA1 region of the hippocampus?

CA1. CA1 is the first region in the hippocampal circuit, from which a major output pathway goes to layer V of the entorhinal cortex. Another significant output is to the subiculum.

What are the main functions of the hippocampus?

The hippocampus is thought to be principally involved in storing long-term memories and in making those memories resistant to forgetting, though this is a matter of debate. It is also thought to play an important role in spatial processing and navigation.

Is the hippocampus part of the limbic system?

The limbic system includes the hippocampal formation, amygdala, septal nuclei, cingulate cortex, entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal cortex. These last three cortical areas comprise different portions of the temporal lobe. Hippocampus means seahorse in Greek.

What does the limbic system’s hippocampus do?

Hippocampus is a brain structure embedded deep in the temporal lobe of each cerebral cortex. It is an important part of the limbic system, a cortical region that regulates motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.

What is the function of the melanocytes?

Where does the stratum lucidum connect to the hippocampus?

The stratum pyramidale houses cell bodies of the pyramidal neurons, which are the foundational excitatory neurons of the hippocampus. In the CA3 region of the hippocampus, the stratum pyramidale connects with the stratum lucidum by mossy fibers that run through both subfields.

What makes up the stratum lucidum layer?

The stratum lucidum layer is composed of three to five layers of dead flattened keratinocytes. These cells do not show distinct boundaries and are filled with eleidin, an intermediate form of keratin. They are surrounded by an oily substance.

What kind of interneurons are in the stratum lucidum?

The interneurons found in the stratum lucidum are of two classes, spiny and aspiny. Spiny neurons are a “special type of inhibitory cell”, characterized by spiny projections on the dendrites of the cell.

Which is the third deepest layer of the hippocampus?

Stratum pyramidale. In hippocampus anatomy, the stratum pyramidale is one of seven layers, or stratums, that make up the entire neural structure. The stratum pyramidale is the third deepest hippocampal layer, and in relation to the stratum lucidum, is located underneath it.

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