What will be required for my Eligibility Review Notice of my unemployment insurance benefits?

What will be required for my Eligibility Review Notice of my unemployment insurance benefits?

You must fully answer all questions specific to your current unemployment situation and return the completed form by the required due date. If you fail to provide a complete response by the required due date, your unemployment insurance benefits could be delayed or denied.

Am I eligible for unemployment benefits during a leave of absence from my job?

Generally, you are not eligible for benefits during a leave of absence from your job. In order to be eligible for benefits, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own, be actively seeking work, and be able and available to accept work if it is offered to you. The Division will make a determination in each case.

Am I required to register for work to be eligible for unemployment benefits?

In order to meet your work registration requirement for unemployment insurance benefits, you must:

  1. Register for work at www.NCWorks.gov by creating an online account. Click on the ‘Not Registered?’ link and then select ‘Individual’ under Option 3 -Create a User Account. The website will then guide you through the steps to complete your account setup.
  2. Maintain an active account. If more than 90 days has passed since you last logged in to NCWorks.gov, you must login and verify your information to reactivate your registration.

What evidence should I provide during the unemployment benefit hearing?

See full answerThe best evidence is testimony from a person who was present at an event and can answer specific questions about what happened. Hearsay evidence may support a finding of fact if it meets the statutory requirements set forth in N.C. Gen. Stat. 8C, Article 8. If the hearsay evidence does not meet the statutory requirements, then the evidence may qualify as an exception under the hearsay rules found in N.C. Gen. Stat. 8C, Rules 803 and 804. If the testimony is based on a video or audio recording, the recording should be offered into evidence during the hearing.To have documents or electronic recordings considered, mail, fax, or deliver a copy of each to the appeals referee and each party, before the hearing date. Do this even if you previously submitted the evidence to DES. Only the documents and recordings in the hearing file will be considered, unless the right to view them is waived.

What does it mean if I received my determination letter of unemployment claim stating I am ‘not disqualified’?

This means you are eligible for benefits based on the particular issue.

What is a determination in the context of unemployment benefits claim?

See full answerA determination is a written notice that is sent to the employer and claimant if the determination refers to the claimant’s separation from employment or receipt of vacation or separation pay. Only the claimant will receive a determination if it is regarding their ability for work or availably for work. An individual may be disqualified if he or she quit a job, was discharged, refused a job referral, refuses a job, is not able to work, is not available for work, received vacation or separation pay, and refuses to enter and/or complete local employment office approved training. Interested parties may appeal an unfavorable determination. Failing to meet eligibility requirements may also be disqualifying.

What is an alternative unemployment benefits base period?

If you lack enough base period wages, DES may use an alternative base period to determine whether you are eligible for UI benefits. The alternative base period consists of the last four completed calendar quarters immediately before the first day of your benefit year.

What is a unemployment benefits base period?

Your base period is the time frame used to determine whether you are monetarily eligible to receive unemployment payments. It normally includes the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters.

Can I collect unemployment benefits while working?

Yes. You can collect benefits while working in certain limited circumstances. This is generally found in G.S. §96-15.01.

Who pays for the unemployment benefits I receive?

Benefits are paid from the North Carolina’s Unemployment Insurance Fund, which is funded by a tax paid by employers.

Who should I bring to the unemployment benefits hearing?

Witnesses with personal knowledge about the events and information relating to your case are the best witnesses. A witness who can only testify about what others (who are not at the hearing) told him or her, usually presents what is called hearsay evidence. Although hearsay evidence is admissible in certain circumstances, it usually cannot be the sole basis for findings of fact.

How long will my unemployment benefits hearing last?

Hearings are typically scheduled for one hour, but additional time may be allowed for cases with multiple participants or complex issues. If your hearing requires more than the scheduled time, the hearing may be adjourned and completed at a later date and time. If you know that you will bring multiple witnesses or a large number of documents to the hearing, you may request that additional time be allowed for your hearing.

Is there a Health Choice program in NC?

Your child may qualify for healthcare coverage through Medicaid or Health Choice, NC’s CHIP grant program — both offer free or low cost health insurance for children and teens. Our outreach goals are accomplished through partnerships with Health Check Coordinators at local health departments or Community Care of NC Networks.

How to apply for NC Medicaid / health choice?

Go to Medicaid Income and Resources Requirements or Health Choice Income and Resources Requirements for program qualifications and for larger family size income guidelines. How to apply for NC Medicaid/Health Choice? There are three ways to apply (one application works for both Medicaid and Health Choice). Go to the DHB website for further details.

How are unemployment benefits calculated in North Carolina?

A person’s unemployment insurance benefits are calculated based upon wages earned during a 12-month period. They must have earned sufficient wages during the base period in order to establish a claim for unemployment insurance benefits.

How old do you have to be to get health care in North Carolina?

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the state of North Carolina, under 19 years of age, not covered by health insurance (including Medicaid), a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident.

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