What is the DLM?

What is the DLM?

Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) assessments are for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for whom general state assessments are not appropriate, even with accommodations. DLM assessments offer these students a way to show what they know and can do in English language arts, mathematics, and science.

What are the DLM essential elements?

The development of the entire DLM Alternate Assessment System guided a final round of revisions to the DLM EEs, which can be organized into four broad categories: alignment across grade levels, language specificity, common core alignment, and defining learning expectations (rather than instructional tasks).

What is the standardized test in Arkansas?

The primary Arkansas state test options are: K-2 Assessments – Public school students in grades K-2 are required by Arkansas law to participate in an assessment of their literary and mathematics skills. Individual school districts can choose from one of three different assessment options.

What is dynamic learning system?

Dynamic learning programs are interactive and include tasks that involve a high-level of learner engagement, and the use of multiple learning mediums. For example, the learner may have to build a demo website or send out surveys as a part of their course.

Who takes the DLM?

The DLM™ assessment measures the academic progress of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities in the subject areas of ELA and Mathematics at grades 3-11, Science at grades 4 and 8-11, and in Social Studies at grades 4, 8, and 10.

What is a DLM claim?

The DLM claims are overt statements about what we intend for students to learn and what the DLM assessment will measure. Conceptual Areas connect the learning map to the overall Claims and identify large areas of conceptually related skills in the maps.

What are DLM linkage levels?

For each Essential Element at every grade level, DLM develops items at several different levels of complexity. Each level addresses a portion of the map that contains content related to the target Essential Element. The levels are called linkage levels.

Is the Nwea test mandatory?

NWEA has partners who have always required remote testing and, given the COVID-19 crisis this spring, we are now working with more. Here are key factors to consider regarding remote testing for spring 2020: Home Environment and Student Needs. Students have many varying needs that require support for testing.

Why do public schools in Arkansas take the ACT Aspire test?

Arkansas law requires that all public school students shall participate in a statewide program of educational assessments per Ark. The ACT Aspire end-of-year summative assessment will be used to assess all Arkansas public school students in grades 3-10 unless they qualify for an alternate assessment.

What is the purpose of DLM?

The DLM system is designed to map a student’s learning throughout the year. The system will also use items and tasks that are embedded in day-to-day instruction.

Are DLM essential elements grade-level targets?

The Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements are specific statements of knowledge and skills that are linked to the grade-level expectations and stand on their own as important learning targets for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

What are DLM blueprints?

In this document, “blueprint” refers to the range of Essential Elements (EEs) that will be assessed during the Spring Assessment Window. The Science EEs are arranged into the three domains, ten core ideas, and fourteen topics shown in the table below. The DLM Science Assessment is a year-end spring assessment.

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