What does hydrometrocolpos mean?

What does hydrometrocolpos mean?

Hydrometrocolpos is an accumulation of uterine and vaginal secretions as well as menstrual blood in the uterus and vagina. [ from HPO]

What is McKusick Kaufman syndrome?

Description. Collapse Section. McKusick-Kaufman syndrome is a condition that affects the development of the hands and feet, heart, and reproductive system. It is characterized by a combination of three features: extra fingers and/or toes (polydactyly ), heart defects, and genital abnormalities.

What is a Hematocolpos?

Hematocolpos is accumulation of menstrual blood in the vagina, which can cause it to bulge.

What is stricture and atresia of vagina?

Vaginal Atresia is a birth defect in which the vagina is closed or absent. Typically this condition does not occur alone, but is one of several developmental problems in a female baby. A baby with Vaginal Atresia most often also has Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Fraser syndrome or Rokitansky-Mayer- Küster -Hauser syndrome.

What causes an imperforate hymen?

An imperforate hymen is caused by failure of the hymen to perforate (open) during a baby’s growth and development inside her mother’s uterus.

What is human Hydrometra?

Hydrometra is a descriptive term that refers to a distended uterus filled with clear, non-infected fluid.

What is Fraser syndrome?

Fraser syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by fused eyelids (cryptophthalmos), fusion of the skin between the fingers and toes ( syndactyly ), and abnormalities of the genitalia and urinary tract.

What is Joubert syndrome?

Joubert syndrome is a rare brain malformation characterized by the absence or underdevelopment of the cerebellar vermis – an area of the brain that controls balance and coordination — as well as a malformed brain stem (molar tooth sign).

What is Cryptomenorrhea?

Cryptomenorrhea is a condition in which menstruation occurs but is not visible due to obstruction of outflow tract resulting in either hematometra (blood collection within uterus) or hematocolpos (blood collection within vagina). In the long term it may result in endometriosis, urinary retention and infertility.

Can hematocolpos cause infertility?

For the women who do not have a fenestration, blood will pool in the upper vagina and this would lead to serious abdominal pain. This also results in infertility.

How common is vaginal atresia?

Vaginal atresia is estimated to occur in 1 in 5000-10,000 live female births. The anomaly is often undetected until adolescence, when primary amenorrhea or abdominal pain due to an obstructed uterovaginal tract prompts a diagnostic evaluation.

What is secondary vaginal atresia?

Secondary vaginal atresia is relatively rare and the exact incidence has not been reported in literature [3]. It usually occurs secondary to badly managed vaginal delivery causing vaginal injuries and later scarring.

What do you need to know about congenital hydrocolpos?

Congenital hydrocolpos is an uncommon disorder characterized by vaginal distension with fluid. Hydrometrocolpos is associated with accumulation of fluid in both the vagina and the uterus.

How is hydrometrocolpos related to McKusick Kaufman syndrome?

Hydrometrocolpos is one of the three features of McKusick–Kaufman syndrome (MKS) in which the underlying gene (MKKS/BBS6) has been shown to harbor mutations common to both MKS and BBS. Embryology-anatomy: Failure of canalization, stenosis, or atresia along lumen

When do Hydrocolpos usually occur in the third trimester?

Congenital hydrocolpos and hydrometrocolpos are extremely rare. They are usually diagnosed in the third trimester, probably because maternal hormonal stimulation is insufficient for glandular secretion before this age.

When to incision with drainage for hydrocolpos?

If the hydrocolpos is secondary to an imperforate hymen, incision with drainage is performed.

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