What happened when Australia federated in 1901?

What happened when Australia federated in 1901?

Australia’s Federation came about through a process of deliberation, consultation and debate. Australia became a nation on 1 January 1901 when 6 British colonies—New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania—united to form the Commonwealth of Australia.

Why was the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 introduced?

The Immigration Restriction Act was one of the first Commonwealth laws passed after Federation. It was based on the existing laws of the colonies. The aim of the law was to limit non-white (particularly Asian) immigration to Australia, to help keep Australia ‘British’.

What did Section 51 of the Australian Constitution mean?

the race power
Section 51(xxvi) of the Constitution of Australia, commonly called “the race power”, is the subsection of Section 51 of the Constitution of Australia granting the Australian Commonwealth the power to make special laws for people of any race.

How did Federation impact on indigenous?

Aboriginal people lost power over their own lives. Their personal and working lives were tightly controlled. They could not vote for the federal government and, even if they could have done so, the federal government would not have changed the laws for the better anyway.

What was Australia called before 1901?

Before 1900, there was no actual country called Australia, only the six colonies – New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia. While these colonies were on the same continent, they were governed like six rival countries and there was little communication between them.

What was the aim of the Pacific island Labourers Act 1901?

The Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901 was an Act of the Parliament of Australia which was designed to facilitate the mass deportation of nearly all the Pacific Islanders (called “Kanakas”) working in Australia, especially in the Queensland sugar industry.

Who passed the Immigration Restriction Act 1901?

This document put in place the law that was the cornerstone of Australia’s ‘White Australia’ policy. The Governor-General signed the document two days before Christmas Day 1901, a week after he had signed the Pacific Islander Labourers Act into law.

What did section 127 State?

THE IMPACT OF SECTION 127 Section 127 of the Constitution was titled ‘Aborigines not to be counted in reckoning population’ and stated: ‘In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, or of a State or other part of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted.

What is the main function of s 51 of the Constitution?

Section 51 of the Constitution provides that the Commonwealth make laws with respect to: the acquisition of property on just terms from any State or person for any purpose in respect of which the Parliament has power to make laws .

Did federation help Aboriginals?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were not part of the discussions leading up to federation, nor the drafting of the Constitution. So for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, federation did not directly impact their lives.

Who migrated to Australia in 1901?

The Gold Rush Thousands of Chinese people came to Australia during the 1850s gold rushes. By 1901, Chinese were the third largest migrant group in Australia after the British and Germans. When the gold was exhausted many took up market gardening or established businesses such as restaurants or laundries.

What was it like to live in Australia before 1901?

When did the Australian Federation start?

On 1 January 1901, the six existing self-governing British colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland , Tasmania , South Australia and Western Australia, came together in union to create the Commonwealth of Australia. This was what was known as Federation and was the culmination of a decades-long push by various individuals and associations.

Who was the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs in 1951?

1951 Paul Hasluck was appointed Minister for Territories, an office he held for the next twelve years and from which he had significant influence on Commonwealth policy in the area of Aboriginal affairs.

Where did Asians and Aboriginals intermarry in Australia?

Asian/Aboriginal intermarriage in Australia. The cameleers lived and worked with Aborigines in Marree (Southern Australia) and other parts of the country. In central Australia, many of the “Afghan” camel drivers (they were mostly actually from the north-west frontier of what is now Pakistan, but misclassified as Afghans) married Aboriginals.

What was the name of Australia before 1901?

Invitations to Australian Commonwealth Celebrations, Francis Cotton, 1901. Courtesy State Library of New South Wales Before 1900, there was no actual country called Australia, only the six colonies – New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia.

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