Can you make Carth a Jedi?

Can you make Carth a Jedi?

Start the game and travel to the planet Dantooine with Carth as a member of your party. Speak to Vor Zarran, a new NPC that the mod adds to the game. You’ll find Vor Zarran in the courtyard of Dantooine near the character named Kni. Speak to Vor Zarran and he will make Carth a Jedi.

Is Carth an Onasi Revan?

Carth is assigned to the cruiser Endar Spire during the Jedi Civil War when it was ambushed by a Sith fleet over the planet Taris. He narrowly escapes by taking an escape pod to the planet surface with an amnesiac Revan, who was memory wiped and given a new identity as a rank-and-file Republic soldier.

What happens to carth Onasi?

Poor Carth, even dead he can’t catch a break. He moved to the planet Jamaicacon VII where he own the galaxy’s largest Space Hemp plantation. He was only mentioned in passing in the Revan book. He didn’t really have any more story beyond the that revealed in KOTOR II if you played as the canon genders.

Is carth force sensitive?

Only a force sensitive should be able to sense the prescence of Ajunta Pall. Carth not only does that, but also responds to Ajunta Pall. He is the only non-jedi follower to do so (aside from HK-47 who simple states that something is wrong with his sensors).

Can mission become a Jedi in KOTOR?

This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine. Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo).

What rank is carth Onasi?

The patriarch of the family, Carth Onasi, was one of the most skilled pilots in the Navy of the Galactic Republic, eventually gaining the rank of Admiral. His wife was Morgana Onasi, and they had one son, Dustil.

How do you turn Mira into a Jedi?

4 conversations and you’re done.

  1. Take her to the Ebon Hawk and make sure you have 11 Awareness.
  2. Get into an argument with her about your involvement in Malachor V. Apologize to her.
  3. Talk to her about not killing her bounty.
  4. Talk to her about feeling restless.
  5. Ask her how she saved Hanharr.
  6. That’s all you need.

How old is Revan in Kotor?

The novel series puts Revan at age 32 when he is put in charge of the Republic forces fighting against the Mandalorians. Young, yes, but Obi Wan and other much younger Jedi Knights are named as generals in the prequel films.

What is the Jedi Code?

The Jedi Code was a set of rules that governed the behavior of the Jedi Order. It taught its followers to not give in to feelings of anger toward other lifeforms, which would help them resist fear and prevent them from falling to the dark side of the Force. Odan-Urr was believed to have written the modern Jedi Code.

Who are the first party members in Knights of the Old Republic?

If you don’t count Trask, Carth Onasi and Mission Vao are your first party members in Knights of the Old Republic. Maybe a better way is Carth and Mission are the first party members that don’t die within a few minutes after entering your party.

Is the Jedi robe the same as Carth and mission?

Each party member has their own Jedi Robe to wear with their own little bonuses. It’s the same UTI file that Carth and Mission where, but since they’re opposite genders, different textures can be aligned to them since one texture needs to be a male and the other texture female in order for both genders to wear it with a new look.

Are there mods for Carth and mission Jedi?

Carth and Mission entered and they weren’t Jedi help. I figured out that the first Jedi I’m going to be able to have help me was Bastila Shan, but I had to wait to rescue her. Le Shorte is making his FileFront debut with a mod that makes Carth Onasi and Mission Vao Jedi when they enter your party.

What was Carth Onasi’s name in Star Wars?

Carth Onasi, nicknamed Fleet, was a famous Human male soldier and an expert pilot born in 3994 BBY on the planet Telos IV, where he would later start a family with his wife, Morgana; they had a son they named Dustil.

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