What is non-monotonic reasoning give an example?

What is non-monotonic reasoning give an example?

Non-monotonic Reasoning Non-monotonic reasoning deals with incomplete and uncertain models. “Human perceptions for various things in daily life, “is a general example of non-monotonic reasoning. Example: Let suppose the knowledge base contains the following knowledge: Birds can fly. Penguins cannot fly.

What is meant by non-monotonic reasoning?

A logic is non-monotonic if some conclusions can be invalidated by adding more knowledge. The logic of definite clauses with negation as failure is non-monotonic.

Which type of reasoning involves non-monotonic logic?

Abductive reasoning is the process of deriving a sufficient explanation of the known facts. An abductive logic should not be monotonic because the likely explanations are not necessarily correct.

What is non-monotonic inference?

Abstract. Non-monotonic inference is inference that is defeasible: in contrast with deductive inference, the conclusions drawn may be withdrawn in the light of further information, even though all the original premises are retained.

Why is the reasoning system under uncertainty known as non-monotonic?

 People arrive at conclusions only tentatively; based on partial or incomplete information reserve the right to retract those conclusions while they learn new facts. Such reasoning non-monotonic, precisely because the set of accepted conclusions have become smaller when the set of premises expanded.

What is monotonic system?

In mathematics, a monotonic function (or monotone function) is a function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order. This concept first arose in calculus, and was later generalized to the more abstract setting of order theory.

Is probabilistic reasoning monotonic or non-monotonic?

Generally and vaguely, I take them to embody what I shall call probabilistic inference. This form of inference is clearly non-monotonic. Relatively few people have taken this form of inference, based on high probability, to serve as a foundation for non-monotonic logic or for a logical or defeasible inference.

What is a non-monotonic relationship?

If two variables don’t generally change in the same direction , then they are said to have a non-monotonic relationship. And here’s another example of a non-monotonic relationship between two variables: As the value of x increases, the value of y sometimes increases, but sometimes the value of y decreases.

Is a non-monotonic logic to formalize the common sense assumption *?

Commonsense reasoning is non-monotonic in this sense, because adding new facts may invalidate some of the assumptions made earlier. In his influential “frames paper” [Minsky, 1974], Marvin Minsky proposed the notion of a frame, a complex data structure meant to represent a stereotyped and default information.

What is difference between monotonic and linear relationship?

In a monotonic relationship, the variables tend to move in the same relative direction, but not necessarily at a constant rate. In a linear relationship, the variables move in the same direction at a constant rate.

What is monotonic relationship?

A monotonic relationship is a relationship that does one of the following: (1) as the value of one variable increases, so does the value of the other variable, OR, (2) as the value of one variable increases, the other variable value decreases.

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