How long is the fitting and turning course?

How long is the fitting and turning course?

Duration and Certification The duration of each level is Three months. Therefore a TRIMESTER timetable is followed, with registration taking place in January, April and August, enabling the successful student to accumulate THREE national certificates during the course of one year.

What is fitting and turning course?

Fitting and turning courses teach you how to fit and assemble, maintain, and repair various types of machinery. This means that you don’t have to attend any formal classes. Instead, you can complete your studies in your own time and at your own pace, which means that you can even work while you study.

Is fitting and turning a good career?

They maintain and repair many different kinds of machines. They are also responsible for the assembling and fitting of new components and equipment. It is a highly skilled job. If you consider yourself good with metal and repairing parts, then a career in Fitting & Turning may be just for you!

What are the hardest trades?

Hardest to Master

Job Contractors Customers
Cleaning 3% >3%
Flooring 3% >3%
Stone & Tile 3% >3%
Ceilings 3% >3%

Is a fitter and turner an engineer?

Fitters and Turners fit, assemble, grind and shape metal parts and subassemblies to fabricate production machines and other equipment. Specialisations: Fitter Armament (Army). You usually need a certificate III in engineering – mechanical trade to work as a Fitter and Turner.

Where can I take a fitting and turning course?

Study Fitting and Turning Courses via distance learning at Oxbridge Academy. Fitting and turning courses teach you how to fit and assemble, maintain, and repair various types of machinery. Oxbridge Academy allows you to complete your fitting and turning course from home via distance learning.

What is a fitting and turning course in Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering Fitting and Turning Course Fitters and Turners are highly skilled craftspeople who manufacture, construct, assemble and fit components for machinery, vehicles, installations and other apparatus or articles. Fitter and turners are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of such equipment.

What do you need to know about fitting and turning?

The fitting and turning trade is a dual trade. They do exactly the same training as a fitter. They are then required to do an extra six weeks turning. It comprises the following: Maintain a lathe. Operate a lathe. Plan a turning workpiece. Turn a coupling pin and bush.

How many weeks training does a fitting and turning need?

The fitting and turning trade is a dual trade. They do exactly the same training as a fitter. They are then required to do an extra six weeks turning. The six weeks training is scheduled either after basics or advanced as arranged by the company.

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