What are Virkon tablets?

What are Virkon tablets?

Lanxess Virkon S tablets (previously DuPont), are added to water to make the broad spectrum virucidal disinfectant, Virkon S. Virkon S has been independently proven effective against viral, bacterial and fungal disease-causing organisms and is one of the most popular defra approved farming disinfectants on the market.

How do you take Virkon tablets?

Step by step guide for preparing 1% Virkon solution: Fill a container with 1 litre of lukewarm water. Put two 5gm tablets into the container and mix with a long handled spoon / utensil. Allow the tablets to dissolve for ten minutes until the solution turns a clear pink.

What kind of disinfectant is Virkon?

Virkon™ is a disinfectant, possessing wide spectrum virucidal (Table 2), bactericidal (Table 3) and fungicidal (Table 4) activity.

Is Virkon Food Safe?

Because of its high detergency and mode of action, VIRKON® can be used in an exceptional variety of situations for effective cleaning and virucidal disinfection in a single operation. In food processing plants: for food contact surfaces, rinse thoroughly with potable water after disinfection.

What is Virkon Aquatic used for?

Virkon Aquatic can be used as a sanitizer for your pond at the rate of one dissolved tablet per 5,000 litres, (1,000 gallons), per week (5gm/5000lt). Virkon Aquatic can be used at the standard 1% solution (1 x 5gm tablet per 0.5lt clean water) to disinfect nets, equipment and surfaces, and all quarantine areas.

Is Virkon safe to use at home?

Extensive investment has been made assessing the safety of Virkon®S to users. The assessment demonstrates that Virkon®S is not corrosive to skin and does not cause sensitisation. A typical in-use dilution of 1:100 (1%) has been shown to be non-irritating to skin and eyes and is not a sensitising agent.

How long does Virkon take to work?

Virkon is effective at killing 99.999% of microorganisms in less than 10 minutes. Solution can be applied to surfaces using a spray bottle, sponge, mop etc.

Why is Virkon a good disinfectant?

Virkon is a multi-purpose disinfectant. It contains potassium peroxymonosulfate (an oxidizing agent), sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (a cleaning agent), sulfamic acid (a detergent), and inorganic buffers. Virkon has a wide spectrum of activity against viruses, some fungi, and bacteria.

Is Virkon toxic to fish?

Studies in the USA with Koi have shown that continuous use of Virkon on carp in water at a dose of 8 grams per 1000 liters of water has no harmful effect on the health of the fish. Virkon is essentially a powerful complex formulated virus killing disinfectant for disinfection of aquatic equipment.

Is Virkon safe for fish?

Virkon® Aquatic is the ultimate disinfectant for use in fish culture operations. It is independently proven to be highly effective against significant aquatic pathogens and is used around the world.

How long is Virkon active?

Built-in colour indicator of strength and use life up to five days after activation (1:100 solution). Virkon is effective at killing 99.999% of microorganisms in less than 10 minutes. Solution can be applied to surfaces using a spray bottle, sponge, mop etc.

How to use Virkon’s broad spectrum disinfectant tablets?

It has been proven effective against more than 500 strains of viruses, bacteria, and fungi including African Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth Disease, (FMD), Avian Influenza, Salmonella, and Campylobacter. Fill the container with the desired amount of water and add Virkon S Disinfectant and Virucide Tablets to achieve the desired solution concentration.

How many Virkon’s tablets to one pint of water?

For a 1% solution, add one tablet to one pint of water. Use a 1% solution of Virkon S as a one-step cleaning and disinfecting procedure (remove gross filth and heavy soil deposits before application of the disinfecting/cleaning solution) for all hard non-porous surfaces, equipment, instruments, utensils, and cages.

What can Virkon at 1% be used for?

HATCHERIES:Virkon™ S at 1% solution can be used for cleaning and disinfecting hatchers, setters, evaporative coolers, humidifying systems, ceiling fans, chicken houses, transfer trucks, trays, and plastic chick boxes. Saturate surfaces with a 1% solution of Virkon™ S with a cloth, mop, mechanical spray, or sponge for a period of 10 minutes.

Is the Virkon Master label approved by the EPA?

US EPA Registered – Virkon™ S has a significant number of studies supporting approved US EPA master label claims against disease-causing organisms affecting poultry, swine and cattle production. Consult the Virkon™ S product container label for the comprehensive list of organisms.

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