What is Kubwa Abuja postal code?

What is Kubwa Abuja postal code?

Kubwa, Bwari, Bwari, Abuja (FCT) is located in Nigeria. Its zip code is 901101.

What local government area is kubwa?

Location Information

Item Description
District Bwari
Local Government Area (LGA) Bwari
State Federal Capital Territory
Postcode Type Rural

Which LGA is Kubwa in Abuja?

Street Data:

Street Name: Kubwa
District: District: Bwari
Local Government Area: Bwari L.G.A
State: Abuja ( F.C.T )
Zip Code: 901101

What is your postcode Postal Code?

A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, PIN or ZIP Code) is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail.

What is gwarinpa postal code?

Gwarinpa Village, Gwarinpa, Amac, Abuja (FCT) is located in Nigeria. Its zip code is 900108.

Is kubwa a good place to live?

It is highly dominated by middle-class people. You can get almost everything you need in this area in the market and surrounding areas. It is also relatively easy to access other parts of Abuja through this area. An apartment in Kubwa is definitely not a bad idea.

What local government is gwarinpa?

Abuja Municipal Area Council
By postal code

LGA District / Area Postal code
Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Gwarinpa 900108
Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Jiwa 900102
Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Kabusa 900107
Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Karshi 900101

How do I find my postal address?

Postal Address Lookup with Google Maps Just drag the red marker anywhere on the Google Map and the address details (including the latitude & longitude) of that place will display in the pop-up window. Internally, the tool uses the Geocoding features of Google Maps to find the address of a particular point.

What is my postcode in Nigeria?

Here’s how to know your zip/postal code in Nigeria:

  1. Visit postcode.com.ng homepage.
  2. Click on the state you’re located in.
  3. Select your local government.
  4. Search for your town.

What is Ogun state Postal Code?

By postal code

LGA District / Area Postal code
Ogun Waterside Ijebu Manuwa 122107
Ogun Waterside Iwopin 122106
Ogun Waterside Ode Omi 122105
Remo North Isala 121104


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