What does Indicator 13 mean?

What does Indicator 13 mean?

Indicator 13 measures the percentage of students who are 16 years of age and older with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable post secondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age-appropriate transition assessment and transition services, including course of study, that will reasonably enable the …

What is Indicator 13 special education?

Indicator 13 measures “the percentage of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the students to meet postsecondary goals.”

What is an indicator on an IEP?

Indicators are measures of compliance and effectiveness of a state’s implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B. IDEA Part B is a federal statute which deals with individuals ages 3 through 21 years of age who are receiving special education and/or related services.

At what age must transition be addressed in SC and how should it be addressed?

The transition process facilitates a student’s movements towards attaining the student’s post-secondary goals. In South Carolina (SC), LEAs must address transition at the age of 13.

What is the goal for indicator 13?

Indicator 13 Checklist Form B breaks out the same items across the goal areas of training, education, employment and independent living skills.

What is SPP education?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to develop a state performance plan/annual performance report (SPP/APR) that evaluates the state’s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of the IDEA and describes how the state will improve its implementation.

What are the requirements of indicator 13?

Indicator 13 of the State Performance Plan required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 is the percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above that have an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment.

What age do you write a transition IEP?

Transition planning helps students with IEPs prepare for life after high school. IEP transition planning must start by the time a student turns 16. Planning is about more than just college — it covers jobs and daily life skills too.

How many components does indicator 13 include?

eight factors
Indicator 13 includes eight factors Are there appropriate measurable postsecondary goals in the areas of training, education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills?

What are SPP indicators?

The SPP/APRs include indicators that measure child and family outcomes and other indicators that measure compliance with the requirements of the IDEA. A state is required to submit a state performance plan (SPP) at least every six years.

What is SPP report?

Who qualifies for transition program?

Students with a Certificate of Completion graduation document. The IEP team will determine if the Transition Program is an appropriate placement. Typically, students enrolled in an Independent Living Skills classroom or Special Day Class for moderate to severe disabilities are candidates for the Transition Program.

Do you know the Illinois indicator 13 checklist?

The district completes the Illinois Indicator 13 Checklist for each student. For all questions, a YES answer indicates that the requirement is complete in the student’s transition plan.

When is an IEP considered to have met Indicator 13?

The IEP will be considered as having met the requirements of Indicator 13 if: The ISBE Scoring Rubric has been revised to assist districts in collecting data to assist in meeting Indicator 13 of the Part B State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report, as required by the Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.

What do you need to know about indicator 13?

The Indicator 13 Evidence of Correction form is a guidance document to help districts on how to correct their areas of non-compliance. The guidance document provides what steps are necessary to correct those areas. The Indicator 13 Checklist has been updated to align with the revised ISBE Scoring Rubric and Harrisburg’s data collection.

What is the goal of indicator 13 secondary transition?

The goal of Indicator 13 is for youth with IEPs to have an appropriate and compliant transition plan that reasonably enables him/her to meet postsecondary goals and annual IEP goals related to his/her transition service needs. The ISBE data source is I-Star, state data source (IEP Student Tracking and Reporting) system under Student Approvals.

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