How can I get a free letter from Santa?

How can I get a free letter from Santa?

There are two ways to receive a free letter from Santa through the U.S. Postal Service. The first method is less controlled, where you mail the letter and a volunteer writes a letter back. The second method is a letter written by a parent or guardian and mailed back to you with a North Pole stamp cancellation.

Are letters to Santa free?

The postal elves of the north are reminding families to get their letters to Santa. 11 postage. “We hear from Santa how much he likes to get the drawings,” said Lapointe. No postage is required on the letters, but Lapointe said to make sure to include a return address so that Santa can write back.

How can I get a letter from Santa?

How to get a letter postmarked from the North Pole:

  1. Have the child write a letter to Santa and place it in an envelope addressed to: Santa Claus, North Pole.
  2. Write a personalized response to the child’s letter and sign it “From Santa.”
  3. Insert both letters into an envelope, and address it to the child.

What should I write in a letter to Santa?

Write Santa through the United States Post Office and get a letter back.

  1. First, have the child write a letter to Santa. Have the child address it to Santa Claus, North Pole.
  2. Be specific in the letter. Reference your child’s accomplishments, such as how proud Santa is that the child helped at something specific.

What happens if you mail a letter to Santa?

A letter simply addressed to “Santa, North Pole” will not go to the postmaster in Anchorage, Alaska. It will end up in a default area for mail without a complete address and then be sorted back into the Operation Santa program, where a postal worker or member of the public can respond.

What happens if you address a letter to the North Pole?

That guarantees a postmark on the return letter from the North Pole. Letters with postage and an address of the North Pole or Santa Claus are usually routed to one of 15 regional post offices that participate in Operation Santa.

Do you put a stamp on letter to Santa?

Technically, it isn’t 100% free as you’ll need to post your letter to Santa with a stamp (85p first class, 66p second). Just remember to include full names and address, so Santa knows where to send his reply.

How much does a Santa letter cost?

To participate, have your child address their letter to Santa Claus, P.O. Box 1, Santa Claus, IN 47579, and mail it. (This only requires one stamp, so it costs about $0.50.)

Is letters from Santa legit?

The Better Business Bureau is warning consumers about fraudulent websites offering “Letters from Santa.” The websites promise a custom letter addressed to your recipient of choice from Kris Kringle himself, but they don’t deliver.

Do letters to Santa need a stamp?

Send your letter soon. December 10 is the last day to mail letters to Santa (it’s a long way to the North Pole and back!). Letters mailed after December 12 may not receive a reply before Christmas. Bonus: no postage required!

Where do God’s letters go?

Well, according to the Associated Press, letters addressed to God are routed to Jerusalem, Israel and directed to Israel’s postal service. The Israeli postal service then delivers the letters to a unique address that hasn’t changed in thousands of years, the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall.

How do you write a letter from Santa?

Writing Your Letter Write your address. Begin your letter with “Dear Santa”. Tell Santa who you are. Ask Santa how he’s doing. Tell Santa the good things you’ve done this year. Ask Santa nicely for the things on your list. Include a request for someone else, if you want. Finish up by thanking Santa. Sign your letter.

Where to get a letter from Santa?

How to Get a Letter From Santa for Less. Another option is to write to Santa at the Santa Claus Museum in Santa Claus, Indiana, which has a century-old Santa letter program. To participate, have your child address their letter to Santa Claus, P.O. Box 1, Santa Claus, IN 47579, and mail it.

What address is used to send letters to Santa?

But, there actually is an address to use for sending your letters to Santa Claus. Santa’s Address: Santa Claus. 325 S. Santa Claus Lane. North Pole, Alaska 99705. Now that you know how to mail your letter to Santa, here’s how you can get a letter in return.

Where can you Send your letters to Santa Claus?

Since 1914, Santa’s helpers have been responding to millions of letters. Santa’s Elves are asking that all letters be submitted no later than Dec. 20 for a reply. If you want to send your letters to Santa, you can send them to: Santa Claus, PO Box 1, Santa Claus IN 47579.

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