How does droplet microfluidics work?

How does droplet microfluidics work?

Droplet-based microfluidics manipulate discrete volumes of fluids in immiscible phases with low Reynolds number and laminar flow regimes. Two immiscible phases used for the droplet based systems are referred to as the continuous phase (medium in which droplets flow) and dispersed phase (the droplet phase).

Why droplet microfluidics?

Phase change in droplet. Droplet-based microfluidics provides a robust platform for the manipulation of a variety of fluids and is capable of performing an array of operations and reactions. However, many biomedical applications require materials that are not liquid but in the form of solids or gels.

How droplets are formed microfluidics?

Droplet generation in microfluidics is based on the use of two immiscible fluids, oil and aqueous solutions are mostly used. The droplets are made in devices called microfluidic chips. Different physical aspects are involved in droplet generation depending on the design and material of the microfluidic chip.

How does droplet generator work?

HOW DOES IT WORK? Droplets are generated or formed by precisely controlling immiscible liquids (usually aqueous and oil-based) with microfluidic pumps in microfluidic chips of a precise geometry. The flow rate of the continuous phase (oil in this example) is usually higher than the dispersed phase (water).

What are microfluidics used for?

Applications of microfluidics Diagnostic uses of microfluidics include cancer and pathogen detection. Microfluidic devices are used to measure molecular diffusion coefficients, fluid viscosity, pH, and chemical binding coefficients.

How does digital microfluidics work?

Digital microfluidics harnesses electrowetting to control droplets. Electrical signals are applied to an array of electrodes to define the size and position of each droplet. Droplets are moved by turning the voltage on and off in succession across adjacent electrodes.

What is continuous flow microfluidics?

Continuous flow microfluidics is the manipulation of liquid flow through fabricated microchannels without breaking continuity. Fluid flow is established by external sources such as micropumps (e.g., peristaltic or syringe pumps) or internal mechanisms such as electric, magnetic or capillary forces.

What are the main advantages of using microfluidics?

The advantages of microfluidic cell culture include the ability to more closely mimic a cell’s natural microenvironment, for example by continuous perfusion culture or by creating chemical gradients, and to study low numbers of cells or single cells in high temporal and/or spatial resolution via automation.

What are microfluidics devices?

A microfluidic chip is a device that enables a tiny amount of liquid to be processed or visualized. The chip is usually transparent and its length or width are from 1 cm (0.5″) to 10 cm (4″). Microfluidic chips are made from thermoplastics such as acrylic, glass, silicon, or a transparent silicone rubber called PDMS.

Which of the following is known as digital microfluidics?

Droplet microfluidics, referred to as digital microfluidics, involves the generation and manipulation of discrete volumes of fluids inside microdevices. In contrast to continuous flow devices, droplet microfluidics relies on creating discrete volumes by means of immiscible phases.

What can you do with microfluidics?

Microfluidics allows for handling of liquid with volumes typically in the range of nano- to microliters (10− 9 to 10− 6 L) or smaller. Microfluidics is key to advancing molecular sensors based on bioassays including immunoassay, cell separation, and DNA amplification and analysis, among many other examples.

Where is microfluidics used?

Microfluidic systems are widely used in procedures such as capillary electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, immunoassays, flow cytometry, sample injection in mass spectrometry, PCR amplification, DNA analysis, separation and manipulation of cells, and cell patterning.

How does a droplet based microfluidic system work?

Upon addition of surfactants or inorganic salts to a droplet-based microfluidic system, the interfacial tension of individual droplets alters within the microfluidic system. These separatory components allow for the utilization of the droplets as microreactors for various procedural mechanisms .

When does dripping occur in a microfluidic system?

Dripping occurs when capillary forces dominate the system and droplets are created at the channel endpoint. Jetting occurs, by widening or stretching, when the continuous phase is moving slower, creating a stream from the dispersed phase channel opening.

What are the three types of microfluidics geometries?

Generally, three types of microfluidic geometries are utilized for passive droplet generation: (i) Cross-Flowing, (ii) Flow Focusing, and (iii) Co-Flowing. Droplet based microfluidics often operate under low Reynold’s numbers to ensure laminar flow within the system.

Why are hydrophobic tails important in microfluidics?

The hydrophobic tails on the surfactant keep the emulsion stable and prevent droplet coalescence together during the incubation time. The larger/longer the hydrophobic tails are, the better the biocompatibility and the better the solubility in oil phase, also the better the insolubility in aqueous phase.

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