What are intercultural operations in agriculture?

What are intercultural operations in agriculture?

All the lighter and finer operations carried out on the soil, between sowing had harvesting are termed as intercultural operations. They include weeding, fertilizer Page 4 application, mulching, etc. The machineries and implements used for this purpose are called as inter cultural equipments.

What are cultural practices in vegetables?

These are practices that are carried out after planting vegetable crops on the field up to the time of harvesting. They include the following: mulching.

Which intercultural operations carried out in cauliflower?

Cauliflower is a shallow rooted crop, so do shallow hoeing to remove weeds and to avoid any injury to the roots. Regular hoeing operations keep crop weed free and provide aeration to the root system.

What is the major inter cultural operation of potato?

The main object of earthing up is to keep the soil loose and destroy weeds. Two or three earthing up should be done at an interval of 15-20 days. The first earthing-up should be done when the plants are about 15-25 cm high. The second earthing up is often done to cover up the tubers properly.

What is the need of intercultural operation?

All the lighter and finer operations carried out on the soil, between sowing had harvesting are termed as intercultural operations. They include weeding, fertilizer application, mulching, etc….Agri Machinery.

Function For removing weeds in line sown crops
Suitability for soil / crop type PEG TYPE STAR TYPE

What is intercrop vegetable farming?

vegetable farming The system of intercropping, or companion cropping, involves the growing of two or more kinds of vegetables on the same land in the same growing season.

What are 5 cultural practices?


  • Religious and spiritual practices.
  • Medical treatment practices.
  • Forms of artistic expression.
  • Dietary preferences and culinary practices.
  • Cultural institutions (see also Cultural Institutions Studies)
  • Natural resource management.
  • Housing and construction.
  • Childcare practices.

What are the three types of cultural practices in agriculture?

cultural practices are classified into pre-planting, planting and post-planting operation..

What is Interculture operation?

1 : the practice of simultaneously growing two or more crops on the same plot (as in alternate rows) : the practice of intercropping. 2 : a common set of social norms, conventions, etc.

What is the curd of cauliflower?

The curd of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) is a modified inflorescence that is consumed as a vegetable.

What are the important cultural practices to get higher yield in potato?

Since the tubers are formed underground land preparation needs to be done so as to promote a healthy environment both for the roots as well as the growing tubers. Use of tubers as planting material also necessitates greater skill in planting so as to economize of seed and get maximum possible yield.

Who introduced potato in India?

Portuguese sailors
It was introduced in India by the Portuguese sailors during early 17th century and it’s cultivation was spread to North India by the British. Potato is one of main commercial crop grown in the country. It is cultivated in 23 states in India.

What are intercultural operations in a crop field?

INTERCULTURAL OPERATIONS IN CROP FIELDS Concept All of the operations done after sowing/planting and before harvesting are called intercultural operations. These should not be too frequent, and the depth should be of the shallow. During such operations, care must be taken not to disturb the crop too much.

What is the purpose of interculturing in a field?

Interculturing is described as breaking the upper surface of soil, uprooting the weeds (unwanted plants), aerating the soil, thereby promoting the activities of microorganism and making good mulch, so that moisture inside the field is properly retained from evaporation..

Which is the primary function of a cultivator?

A cultivator performs functions intermediate between those of plough and the harrow. Destruction of weeds is the primary function of a cultivator. The following are a few important functions performed by a cultivator. 1. Destroy the weeds in the field. 2. Aerate the soil for proper growth of crops. 3.

How are the tines arranged in an implement?

The height of the hitch is adjusted so that main frame remains horizontal over a range of depth setting. The tines in each row are spaced widely to allow free passage of the soil and trash around them. The tines in subsequent rows are staggered so that the implement can cover the entire width nicely.

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