What is supplemental logging in Oracle?

What is supplemental logging in Oracle?

Oracle supplemental logging simply means that all columns or selected columns are specified for extra logging. Database level supplemental logging is an Oracle requirement that ensures that the Oracle redo log contains the information required to describe all data changes completely.

How do I enable supplemental logging in Oracle?

Enabling supplemental log data

  1. Enter the following command: select supplemental_log_data_min, supplemental_log_data_pk from v$database;
  2. To enable primary key logging for all tables in the database enter: ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA (PRIMARY KEY) COLUMNS;

How do I know if supplemental logging is enabled?

SELECT SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN FROM V$DATABASE; If the query returns a value of YES or IMPLICIT, minimal supplemental logging is enabled.

What is supplemental log?

Supplemental logging is also a column in dba_tables. Supplemental logging places additional column data into the redo log file whenever an UPDATE operation is performed. When the supplemental logging is active on a database, the redo logs contain other columns from tables to uniquely identify a row.

What is minimal supplemental logging?

Minimal Supplemental logging : Minimal supplemental logging logs the minimal amount of information needed for LogMiner to identify, group, and merge the redo operations associated with DML changes.

What is supplemental logging in Oracle Golden Gate?

The Oracle GoldenGate version was Supplemental logging generates additional undo which is stored in the redo log. The additional information allows rows to be located when the ROWID is unavailable. Undo is used because we want to locate the row in the target database in order to apply the change.

How do I enable supplemental logging in SQL Server?

remote admin connections

  1. On the. Map Tables. tab, click the. Manage Database Supplemental Logging. icon button above the source table. Filter. list. The.
  2. In the. Database. list, select the name of the SQL Server source database that contains the tables for which you want to view or edit Change Data Capture settings. The. Database.

How do I enable supplemental logging in Oracle RDS?

Setting supplemental logging To enable and disable supplemental logging, use the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin. rdsadmin_util. alter_supplemental_logging . For more information about how Amazon RDS manages the retention of archived redo logs for Oracle DB instances, see Retaining archived redo logs.

What is the use of LogMiner in Oracle?

Oracle LogMiner, which is part of Oracle Database, enables you to query online and archived redo log files through a SQL interface. Redo log files contain information about the history of activity on a database.

What is ADD Trandata?

Use ADD TRANDATA to enable Oracle GoldenGate to acquire the transaction information that it needs from the transaction records. Before using this command, use the DBLOGIN command to establish a database connection. Use ADD TRANDATA to enable DATA CAPTURE CHANGES on specified tables. …

How do I check my Trandata?

Use INFO TRANDATA to get the following information: DB2 LUW and DB2 on z/OS: Determine whether DATA CAPTURE is enabled or not.

How do I read a redo log in Oracle?

LogMiner retrieves information from those redo log files and returns it through the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view. You can then use SQL to query the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view, as you would any other view. Each select operation that you perform against the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view causes the redo log files to be read sequentially.

What does supplemental logging do in Oracle Database?

The process of logging these additional columns is called supplemental logging. By default, Oracle Database does not provide any supplemental logging, which means that by default LogMiner is not usable. Therefore, you must enable at least minimal supplemental logging before generating log files which will be analyzed by LogMiner.

What are the two types of supplemental logging?

There are two types of supplemental logging: database supplemental logging and table supplemental logging. Database supplemental logging specifies supplemental logging for an entire database, while table supplemental logging enables you to specify log groups for supplemental logging for a particular table.

How to check if unique key supplemental logging is enabled?

To check whether unique key supplemental logging is enabled or not : This option causes the database to place all columns of a row’s foreign key in the redo log file if any column belonging to the foreign key is modified. SQL> ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA (FOREIGN KEY) COLUMNS; Database altered.

What does supplemental logging mean in redo log?

The data needed for such operations is automatically recorded in the redo log files. However, a redo-based application may require that additional columns be logged in the redo log files. The process of logging these additional columns is called supplemental logging.

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